Movies Recommendation System using Cosine Similarity

Authors : Shubham Pawar; Pritesh Patne; Priya Ratanghayra; Simran Dadhich; Shree Jaswal

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 4 - April

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Abstract : A Recommendation System is a filtering program whose primary goal is to predict the “rating” or “preference” of a user towards a domain-specific item. In our case, this domain-specific item is a movie. Hence the main focus of our recommendation system is to provide a total of ten movie recommendations to users who searched for a movie that they like. These results are based on similar traits/demographics of the movie that has been searched. Content based filtering is a technique that is used to recommend movies. Apart from providing recommendations the system also provides information about the searched movie. The additional details include the movie rating, its release date, cast, and genres. The system also provides additional information about the cast. To help the user save time on reading reviews the system also performs sentiment analysis on the movie’s reviews, grading them into two categories which are ’Good’ and ’Bad’.

A Recommendation System is a filtering program whose primary goal is to predict the “rating” or “preference” of a user towards a domain-specific item. In our case, this domain-specific item is a movie. Hence the main focus of our recommendation system is to provide a total of ten movie recommendations to users who searched for a movie that they like. These results are based on similar traits/demographics of the movie that has been searched. Content based filtering is a technique that is used to recommend movies. Apart from providing recommendations the system also provides information about the searched movie. The additional details include the movie rating, its release date, cast, and genres. The system also provides additional information about the cast. To help the user save time on reading reviews the system also performs sentiment analysis on the movie’s reviews, grading them into two categories which are ’Good’ and ’Bad’.


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