MVC FlickBook.Net

Authors : Shabaaz M Nadaf; Sumanth S Kulkarni; Yashwanth Kumar S; Zahid Hussain Y; Dr. Manohar P

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December

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Abstract : With the increasing demands for user-friendly, online ticketing systems, this paper introduces a feature- rich, automated platform for movie ticket booking, built with ASP.NET Core MVC. The system offers an organized structure to handle user authentication, shopping cart management, and detailed order processing, enabling users to browse movies, manage bookings, and complete transactions seamlessly. Our paper assesses the efficiency and effectiveness of using ASP.NET Core MVC architecture in building robust and scalable e-commerce applications, emphasizing its role in enhancing modularity, user experience, and system scalability. Our study further explores the MVC framework’s benefits in real-world, high-traffic applications, drawing insights from our implementation of MVC FlickBook.NET to address common challenges in ticketing systems and e-commerce solutions.

Keywords : ASP.NET MVC; Movie Booking; User Authentication; E-commerce; CRUD Operations; Online Ticketing.

References :

  1. Kamal Acharya, September 2024, Case studies of common C# project report
  2. Monika Tzaneva, May 2024, Applicability of ASP.Net frameworks for developing web-based business information systems
  3. Nadiia Kishchuk, Pavlo Serdyuk, 08.06.2024, COMMON VULNERABILITIES IN ASP.NET APPLICATIONS
  4. Naga Lalitha Sree Thatavarthi, May 2024, Intelligent Shipping Management System with .NET and IoT Integration
  5. Erick Kurniawan, March 2024, Seri Belajar ASP.NET: ASP.NET Web Forms: Legacy
  6. Sabina Necula, 29 April 2024, Exploring The Model-View-Controller (MVC) Architecture: A Broad Analysis of Market and Technological Applications
  7. Kishan Singh, August 2024, A Comparative Study Of MVC Architecture Model Of Open Source Server Side Scripting Language Jsp And Php For Client-Server Architecture Based Applications Development
  8. Fivy Nur Safitri, Daniel Yeri Kristiyanto, 2024, Design Of A Decision Support System For The Graduation Of New Student Candidates Based On MVC
  9. Sardar Mudassar Ali Khan, July 2023, How Does a Controller Find a View In MVC
  10. Sardar Mudassar Ali Khan, July 2023, Using Data Transfer Object as The Model In
  11. Necula, S. (April 29, 2024). Exploring The Model-View-Controller (MVC) Architecture: A Broad Analysis of Market and Technological Applications.
  12. Singh, K. (August 2024). A Comparative Study Of MVC Architecture Model Of Open Source Server Side Scripting Language JSP And PHP For Client-Server Architecture Based Applications Development.
  13. Ali Khan, S. M. (July 2023). How Does a Controller Find a View In MVC.
  14. Ali Khan, S. M. (July 2023). Using Data Transfer Object as The Model In MVC.
  15. Safitri, F. N., & Kristiyanto, D. Y. (2024). Design Of A Decision Support System For The Graduation Of New Student Candidates Based On MVC.
  16. Tzaneva, M. (May 2024). Applicability of ASP.NET frameworks for developing web-based business information systems.
  17. Kishchuk, N., & Serdyuk, P. (June 8, 2024). Common Vulnerabilities in ASP.NET Applications.
  18. Kurniawan, E. (March 2024). Seri Belajar ASP.NET: ASP.NET Web Forms: Legacy.
  19. Thatavarthi, N. L. S. (May 2024). Intelligent Shipping Management System with .NET and IoT Integration.
  20. Necula, S. (April 29, 2024). Exploring The Model-View-Controller (MVC) Architecture: A Broad Analysis of Market and Technological Applications.

With the increasing demands for user-friendly, online ticketing systems, this paper introduces a feature- rich, automated platform for movie ticket booking, built with ASP.NET Core MVC. The system offers an organized structure to handle user authentication, shopping cart management, and detailed order processing, enabling users to browse movies, manage bookings, and complete transactions seamlessly. Our paper assesses the efficiency and effectiveness of using ASP.NET Core MVC architecture in building robust and scalable e-commerce applications, emphasizing its role in enhancing modularity, user experience, and system scalability. Our study further explores the MVC framework’s benefits in real-world, high-traffic applications, drawing insights from our implementation of MVC FlickBook.NET to address common challenges in ticketing systems and e-commerce solutions.

Keywords : ASP.NET MVC; Movie Booking; User Authentication; E-commerce; CRUD Operations; Online Ticketing.

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