Nanotechnology: A Promising Tool for Lubricants

Authors : Gaurav Singh; P. K. S. Yadav

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 5 - May

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Abstract : Lubricant industries are focusing on biodegradable materials like modified vegetable oilsfor the production of lubricants and avoiding the conventional petroleum based lubricants. This is because of their adverse environmental effects as they contain various heavy metals and their salts likeSb2O3,Sb2S3,As2S2,As2S4,AsCl3,PbHAsSO4,PbCO3, HgCl2, Hg2Cl2, Hg(NO3) etc. But there is a drawback of vegetable oil based lubricants that they have a higher rate of oxidation and lower viscosity index. Thus we need to conflate some external additives to abstain this trouble. A number of natural and synthetic lubricant additives are being used since longer times to improve the performance of lubricants but natural additives have very limited properties. There are also some petroleum based additives but again they have lesser biodegradability and higher toxicity. Nano-Technology based lubricant additives are not only eco-friendly but also used in traces unlike the conventional petroleum based lubricant additives. They are helpful in improving the thermal as well asoxidative stability, viscosity index, dispersion properties, better anti-wear characteristics, high biodegradability and various other physicochemical properties. This review paper encompasses various methods of production of biolubricants, importance of lubricant additives, their methods of synthesis, characterization, properties and advantages of nano lubricant additives over conventional petroleum based additives. Various methods of production of nano-lubricant additives, their properties and their effect on the performance on lubricityand their comparison with conventional petroleum based lubricants has also been discussed in this paper.

Lubricant industries are focusing on biodegradable materials like modified vegetable oilsfor the production of lubricants and avoiding the conventional petroleum based lubricants. This is because of their adverse environmental effects as they contain various heavy metals and their salts likeSb2O3,Sb2S3,As2S2,As2S4,AsCl3,PbHAsSO4,PbCO3, HgCl2, Hg2Cl2, Hg(NO3) etc. But there is a drawback of vegetable oil based lubricants that they have a higher rate of oxidation and lower viscosity index. Thus we need to conflate some external additives to abstain this trouble. A number of natural and synthetic lubricant additives are being used since longer times to improve the performance of lubricants but natural additives have very limited properties. There are also some petroleum based additives but again they have lesser biodegradability and higher toxicity. Nano-Technology based lubricant additives are not only eco-friendly but also used in traces unlike the conventional petroleum based lubricant additives. They are helpful in improving the thermal as well asoxidative stability, viscosity index, dispersion properties, better anti-wear characteristics, high biodegradability and various other physicochemical properties. This review paper encompasses various methods of production of biolubricants, importance of lubricant additives, their methods of synthesis, characterization, properties and advantages of nano lubricant additives over conventional petroleum based additives. Various methods of production of nano-lubricant additives, their properties and their effect on the performance on lubricityand their comparison with conventional petroleum based lubricants has also been discussed in this paper.

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