Neuro-Architectural Design of an Inclusive School Complex: A Response to the Needs of Autistic Children in Ngaoundere

Authors : NKONO AMBASSA Marie-Stéphane; BWEMBA Charles; MOHAMADOU Hafis; Architect HQE

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 10 - October

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Abstract : In Cameroon, although efforts have been made to improve access to education, children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) often remain excluded from the traditional school system, particularly in the northern regions where access to specialized infrastructure is limited. This article presents the results of a study on the design of a school complex adapted to autistic children in Ngaoundere, incorporating the principles of neuro-architecture. The survey conducted with specialists, parents, and educators provided crucial insights to create an inclusive and calming educational environment that meets the sensory and cognitive needs of the children. The site analysis in the Adamawa region, considering climatic and geographical constraints, confirmed the relevance of the location. The architectural design, focused on diverse spaces such as classrooms, sensory withdrawal zones, and common areas promoting inclusion, not only enhances the social integration of autistic children but also raises awareness in the community about the importance of their education. This project, rooted in an ecological and cultural approach, represents a sustainable and innovative initiative for Cameroon’s education system.

Keywords : Neuro-Architecture, Autism, Inclusion, Education, Ngaoundere.

References :

  1. Author(s), Year. Title of the book/article. Journal/Book Title. Place of publication: Publisher
  2., 2021. Tableau climatique de la ville de Ngaoundéré. Available at: (Accessed: 12 October 2024).

In Cameroon, although efforts have been made to improve access to education, children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) often remain excluded from the traditional school system, particularly in the northern regions where access to specialized infrastructure is limited. This article presents the results of a study on the design of a school complex adapted to autistic children in Ngaoundere, incorporating the principles of neuro-architecture. The survey conducted with specialists, parents, and educators provided crucial insights to create an inclusive and calming educational environment that meets the sensory and cognitive needs of the children. The site analysis in the Adamawa region, considering climatic and geographical constraints, confirmed the relevance of the location. The architectural design, focused on diverse spaces such as classrooms, sensory withdrawal zones, and common areas promoting inclusion, not only enhances the social integration of autistic children but also raises awareness in the community about the importance of their education. This project, rooted in an ecological and cultural approach, represents a sustainable and innovative initiative for Cameroon’s education system.

Keywords : Neuro-Architecture, Autism, Inclusion, Education, Ngaoundere.

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