Authors :
Nte, Felix, Ugbana, Teme, S. Clifford.
Volume/Issue :
Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 4 - April
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Abstract :
The marine environment is vulnerable to a lot of pollutants from industrial and anthropologic activities. This study seeks to establish the noise level from the industrial, ocean waves and community sources. The research approach is survey and descriptive statistics. The coastal communities lies around N4˚300,00, and E 7˚00,00. The noise survey findings from flow stations are between 55 dBA-87dBA ± 5, depending on vector and machine condition. The average from ocean waves is 55-77 dBA including offshore platforms interferences, trawlers and bunkering vessels. The three community sampled include Buguma N 04˚74099’. E 006˚ 85366’, Ama –Ido N 04˚ 74437˚ E 006˚ 85366’ and Okpo community N04˚ 79529’ E 006˚ 79276’ and shows a high degree of variation between mid-week and week end festive seasons.
Keywords :
Environmental Impact; Noise; Ocean Waves.
The marine environment is vulnerable to a lot of pollutants from industrial and anthropologic activities. This study seeks to establish the noise level from the industrial, ocean waves and community sources. The research approach is survey and descriptive statistics. The coastal communities lies around N4˚300,00, and E 7˚00,00. The noise survey findings from flow stations are between 55 dBA-87dBA ± 5, depending on vector and machine condition. The average from ocean waves is 55-77 dBA including offshore platforms interferences, trawlers and bunkering vessels. The three community sampled include Buguma N 04˚74099’. E 006˚ 85366’, Ama –Ido N 04˚ 74437˚ E 006˚ 85366’ and Okpo community N04˚ 79529’ E 006˚ 79276’ and shows a high degree of variation between mid-week and week end festive seasons.
Keywords :
Environmental Impact; Noise; Ocean Waves.