Opportunities and Challenges of Accreditation in Ensuring Quality Education at Business Schools (B-Schools) in Bangladesh

Authors : Maksuda Hossain

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December

Google Scholar : https://tinyurl.com/ycph63cp

Scribd : https://tinyurl.com/mr2wf7bc

DOI : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14505815

Abstract : This study examines the opportunities and challenges faced by business schools (B-schools) in Bangladesh in pursuing accreditation from the Bangladesh Accreditation Council (BAC), a body established under the BAC Act of 2017 to enhance the quality of higher education. The research seeks to fill a critical gap in understanding its role in ensuring quality education by focusing on the importance of accreditation. Data were collected from 210 respondents, who were the deans, chairpersons and general faculty members working in 14 B-schools in Bangladesh. Multiple linear regression and logistic regression analysis were employed to test hypotheses related to BAC standards and B-school readiness for accreditation. Key findings reveal that while many B-schools are eager to pursue BAC accreditation, they face significant challenges, including infrastructural limitations and a lack of financial support from top management. Overcoming these barriers could enhance institutional reputation, strengthen international networks, improve student career prospects, and improve overall program quality. Support from the Bangladesh Government, the University Grants Commission, and the Internal Quality Assurance Cell is essential to address these challenges. This research offers valuable insights for policymakers, educational leaders, and future researchers, providing theoretical, practical, and policy recommendations to advance higher education in Bangladesh.

Keywords : Higher Education; B-schools; Accreditation; Quality; Bangladesh.

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This study examines the opportunities and challenges faced by business schools (B-schools) in Bangladesh in pursuing accreditation from the Bangladesh Accreditation Council (BAC), a body established under the BAC Act of 2017 to enhance the quality of higher education. The research seeks to fill a critical gap in understanding its role in ensuring quality education by focusing on the importance of accreditation. Data were collected from 210 respondents, who were the deans, chairpersons and general faculty members working in 14 B-schools in Bangladesh. Multiple linear regression and logistic regression analysis were employed to test hypotheses related to BAC standards and B-school readiness for accreditation. Key findings reveal that while many B-schools are eager to pursue BAC accreditation, they face significant challenges, including infrastructural limitations and a lack of financial support from top management. Overcoming these barriers could enhance institutional reputation, strengthen international networks, improve student career prospects, and improve overall program quality. Support from the Bangladesh Government, the University Grants Commission, and the Internal Quality Assurance Cell is essential to address these challenges. This research offers valuable insights for policymakers, educational leaders, and future researchers, providing theoretical, practical, and policy recommendations to advance higher education in Bangladesh.

Keywords : Higher Education; B-schools; Accreditation; Quality; Bangladesh.

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