Authors :
Ujjwal Singh
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 10 - October
Google Scholar :
Scribd :
Abstract :
The current landscape of business operations is
largely dominated by the integration of the Internet of
Things (IoT) with Management Information Systems
(MIS), which results in higher efficiency and innovative
solutions for common and complex organisational
challenges [1] [2]. Owing to this, the following research
paper aims to explore the multifaceted benefits and
challenges associated with this integration. Alongside this,
it seeks to provide insights for not just future research
within the field, but also for practitioners and scholars
The study begins with a comprehensive introduction
to the relevance of IoT and MIS, highlighting their
evolution and the complexities that may arise in their
integration. After this, it moves further, delving into the
technological foundations of IoT, and examining its core
components, architecture, and emerging trends.
Discussing the theoretical frameworks that surround
information systems, it then seeks to illustrate both
historical and contemporary integration issues and
conducts a deep-seated analysis of current research on IoT-
MIS Integration, extrapolating on the advantages, risks,
and tangible benefits.
The qualitative research is backed up by real-world
case studies of well-known companies such as GE and
Walmart, which present a strong insight into successful
IoT-MIS integration and the challenges encountered
during implementation. These examples reveal key
takeaways, best practices, and strategic recommendations
for businesses looking to harness the full potential of this
Lastly, strategic recommendations are presented,
including best practices for effective integration and
mitigation strategies for associated risks. The paper
eventually concludes by outlining future research
directions, identifying emerging trends in IoT and MIS
integration, and formulating relevant research questions.
With the aforementioned, the paper aims to contribute to
the overall comprehension of IoT-MIS integration and
presents a balanced view of its potential usability in
modern-day content. Furthermore, the findings thus
attained offer a valuable guide tool for firms willing to
navigate the complexities of digital transformation,
allowing them to emphasize the quintessential importance
of strategic planning, investment in technology, and a
commitment to robust security measures. Thus, this study
serves as a roadmap for organizations which aspire to
thrive in an increasingly interconnected and data-centric
business environment.
Keywords :
IoT Integration, Management Information Systems (MIS), Business Process Optimization, Data-Driven Decision Making, Operational Efficiency.
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The current landscape of business operations is
largely dominated by the integration of the Internet of
Things (IoT) with Management Information Systems
(MIS), which results in higher efficiency and innovative
solutions for common and complex organisational
challenges [1] [2]. Owing to this, the following research
paper aims to explore the multifaceted benefits and
challenges associated with this integration. Alongside this,
it seeks to provide insights for not just future research
within the field, but also for practitioners and scholars
The study begins with a comprehensive introduction
to the relevance of IoT and MIS, highlighting their
evolution and the complexities that may arise in their
integration. After this, it moves further, delving into the
technological foundations of IoT, and examining its core
components, architecture, and emerging trends.
Discussing the theoretical frameworks that surround
information systems, it then seeks to illustrate both
historical and contemporary integration issues and
conducts a deep-seated analysis of current research on IoT-
MIS Integration, extrapolating on the advantages, risks,
and tangible benefits.
The qualitative research is backed up by real-world
case studies of well-known companies such as GE and
Walmart, which present a strong insight into successful
IoT-MIS integration and the challenges encountered
during implementation. These examples reveal key
takeaways, best practices, and strategic recommendations
for businesses looking to harness the full potential of this
Lastly, strategic recommendations are presented,
including best practices for effective integration and
mitigation strategies for associated risks. The paper
eventually concludes by outlining future research
directions, identifying emerging trends in IoT and MIS
integration, and formulating relevant research questions.
With the aforementioned, the paper aims to contribute to
the overall comprehension of IoT-MIS integration and
presents a balanced view of its potential usability in
modern-day content. Furthermore, the findings thus
attained offer a valuable guide tool for firms willing to
navigate the complexities of digital transformation,
allowing them to emphasize the quintessential importance
of strategic planning, investment in technology, and a
commitment to robust security measures. Thus, this study
serves as a roadmap for organizations which aspire to
thrive in an increasingly interconnected and data-centric
business environment.
Keywords :
IoT Integration, Management Information Systems (MIS), Business Process Optimization, Data-Driven Decision Making, Operational Efficiency.