Oral Health Awareness among the Patients Attending Nandigram Community Clinics of Jamalpur District

Authors : Muslima Jahan; MD. Sanawar Hossen; Punam Elizabeth Costa; Md.Mahbub Hossain; Sadia Ali

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14551445

Abstract : This descriptive type of cross-sectional study was conducted to assess the oral health awareness among the patients in some selected community clinics with a sample size of 216. Oral diseases create a lot of health hazard and are common globally. Bangladesh is highly affected region in this regard, especially lack of awareness. Adescriptive type of cross-sectional study was conducted with the main objective is to assess awareness of patients about oral health attending in some selected community clinics in Jamalpur district. Non randomized probable samplings were used to select 216 patient respondents. Semi-structured questionnaire was used for data collection through face-to-face interview and a checklist was also used for data collection. Data analysis was done using SPSS 21.0 software. In age group 60 years belongs 90.2% patients, 50.9% monthly family income is more than tk17000. Educational status of the respondents is 40.3% are illiterate and 25% are completed their primary education and 4.6% are Graduate. Do not take oral health care 48.3% respondents, 73.8% do not follow tooth brushing technique and 45.8% of respondents change their tooth brush more than 9 month interval. Observational findings ravels that 79.6% have calculus, 81.5% dental caries and 76.4 % have gum disease. Factor affecting oral health awareness 65.3% due to absence ofdoctor. Awareness level on oral health is poor (66.67%). So, to overcome in this situation, it needs to increase health promotion and health education program for now and then. CHCP and community health group can play a vital role for increaseawareness in community level and by that after a certain period awareness level will be increase and primary health care could be ensure in each community.

Keywords : Oral Health, Awareness, Patients, Community Clinics, Jamalpur District.

References :

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This descriptive type of cross-sectional study was conducted to assess the oral health awareness among the patients in some selected community clinics with a sample size of 216. Oral diseases create a lot of health hazard and are common globally. Bangladesh is highly affected region in this regard, especially lack of awareness. Adescriptive type of cross-sectional study was conducted with the main objective is to assess awareness of patients about oral health attending in some selected community clinics in Jamalpur district. Non randomized probable samplings were used to select 216 patient respondents. Semi-structured questionnaire was used for data collection through face-to-face interview and a checklist was also used for data collection. Data analysis was done using SPSS 21.0 software. In age group 60 years belongs 90.2% patients, 50.9% monthly family income is more than tk17000. Educational status of the respondents is 40.3% are illiterate and 25% are completed their primary education and 4.6% are Graduate. Do not take oral health care 48.3% respondents, 73.8% do not follow tooth brushing technique and 45.8% of respondents change their tooth brush more than 9 month interval. Observational findings ravels that 79.6% have calculus, 81.5% dental caries and 76.4 % have gum disease. Factor affecting oral health awareness 65.3% due to absence ofdoctor. Awareness level on oral health is poor (66.67%). So, to overcome in this situation, it needs to increase health promotion and health education program for now and then. CHCP and community health group can play a vital role for increaseawareness in community level and by that after a certain period awareness level will be increase and primary health care could be ensure in each community.

Keywords : Oral Health, Awareness, Patients, Community Clinics, Jamalpur District.

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