Parakeet Trade in Shwesettaw Wildlife Area, Minbu Township, Magway Region, During Pagoda Festival

Authors : Dr Thin Thin Khaing

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 8 - August

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Abstract : This study was conducted in Shwesettaw wildlife area in Minbu, Magway Region. The study period lasted from December 2018 to April 2019. During the Shwesettaw pagoda festival period of, a total of 10042 individuals from five species were recorded for trade. The most frequently sold species were P.alexandri with 3536 individuals, P.krameri with 2484, P.roseata with 1744, P.eupatria1171 and P.finschii with 1107 from the total number of traded birds, 3128 (31.24%) were adult, 2380 (23.70%) were young and 4534(45.14%) were nestlings. The estimate average price of one P.eupatria 20$),,P.krameri was 10$, P.alexandri was 12000ks, P.finschii and P.roseata was (8$) respectively.

Keywords : Parakeet, Trade, Psittacula, Wild bird.

This study was conducted in Shwesettaw wildlife area in Minbu, Magway Region. The study period lasted from December 2018 to April 2019. During the Shwesettaw pagoda festival period of, a total of 10042 individuals from five species were recorded for trade. The most frequently sold species were P.alexandri with 3536 individuals, P.krameri with 2484, P.roseata with 1744, P.eupatria1171 and P.finschii with 1107 from the total number of traded birds, 3128 (31.24%) were adult, 2380 (23.70%) were young and 4534(45.14%) were nestlings. The estimate average price of one P.eupatria 20$),,P.krameri was 10$, P.alexandri was 12000ks, P.finschii and P.roseata was (8$) respectively.

Keywords : Parakeet, Trade, Psittacula, Wild bird.

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