Authors :
Anighoro Oyedunni Olabimpe; Nwaboku, N. C
Volume/Issue :
Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 8 - August
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Abstract :
Over time, it appears there has been a
mounting anxiety about the state of teacher education and
the adequacy of teachers in the school system at all levels.
Attempts have been made to improve on the quality of
teacher education, with interventions ranging from
various forms of pre-service provisions through distance
learning strategies to short-term training packages in the
course of improving teachers’ development, yet no
appreciable improvement has been made. This study
therefore, investigated the effect of School Based Teacher
Development Programme (SBTD) on the enhancement of
pre-service teachers’ pedagogical skills acquisition and
performance during teaching practice exercise. Two
research questions and two hypotheses guided the study.
This study employed multi-stage sampling technique
which involved the purposive and stratified sampling
technique to select the respondents with a sample size of
120 from a population size of pre-service teachers in the
faculty of education 2019/2020 academic session. The
instrument used in the collection of data was Pre-Service
Teachers’ Skills Acquisition Questionnaire (r = 0.83). The
teaching practice assessment scores of the respondents
were obtained and adopted to ascertain the achievement
level of pre-service teachers after being exposed to the
SBTD. The study lasted for 12 weeks divided into two
equal halves of six weeks training and six weeks of
observation period of the enhancement of the school
based teachers’ development strategies on the teaching
skills of pre-service teachers. Descriptive statistics (means
and standard deviation) and Analysis of Covariance at
0.05 level of significance were employed in analyzing the
data collected. Findings revealed that there was
significant main effect of SBTD on pre-service teachers’
skills acquisition ((F(1, 111) = 74.147, p < .05, ɳp
2 =.444).
There was no significant main effect of gender on preservice teachers’ skills acquisition (F(1, 111) = .283, p >
.05, ɳp2 =.003). Based on the findings, it was concluded
that the students who used SBTD intervention performed
better than their counterpart. It was recommended that
SBTD programme should be introduced to teaching
practice to raise a generation of qualitatively bred
teachers in our educational institutions.
Keywords :
Pre-Service Teachers, Pedagogical Skills, School-Based Teacher Development Programme
Over time, it appears there has been a
mounting anxiety about the state of teacher education and
the adequacy of teachers in the school system at all levels.
Attempts have been made to improve on the quality of
teacher education, with interventions ranging from
various forms of pre-service provisions through distance
learning strategies to short-term training packages in the
course of improving teachers’ development, yet no
appreciable improvement has been made. This study
therefore, investigated the effect of School Based Teacher
Development Programme (SBTD) on the enhancement of
pre-service teachers’ pedagogical skills acquisition and
performance during teaching practice exercise. Two
research questions and two hypotheses guided the study.
This study employed multi-stage sampling technique
which involved the purposive and stratified sampling
technique to select the respondents with a sample size of
120 from a population size of pre-service teachers in the
faculty of education 2019/2020 academic session. The
instrument used in the collection of data was Pre-Service
Teachers’ Skills Acquisition Questionnaire (r = 0.83). The
teaching practice assessment scores of the respondents
were obtained and adopted to ascertain the achievement
level of pre-service teachers after being exposed to the
SBTD. The study lasted for 12 weeks divided into two
equal halves of six weeks training and six weeks of
observation period of the enhancement of the school
based teachers’ development strategies on the teaching
skills of pre-service teachers. Descriptive statistics (means
and standard deviation) and Analysis of Covariance at
0.05 level of significance were employed in analyzing the
data collected. Findings revealed that there was
significant main effect of SBTD on pre-service teachers’
skills acquisition ((F(1, 111) = 74.147, p < .05, ɳp
2 =.444).
There was no significant main effect of gender on preservice teachers’ skills acquisition (F(1, 111) = .283, p >
.05, ɳp2 =.003). Based on the findings, it was concluded
that the students who used SBTD intervention performed
better than their counterpart. It was recommended that
SBTD programme should be introduced to teaching
practice to raise a generation of qualitatively bred
teachers in our educational institutions.
Keywords :
Pre-Service Teachers, Pedagogical Skills, School-Based Teacher Development Programme