Peer Relationship and Social Skills Development among Grade 6 Teachers

Authors : Devine B. Escabarte; Remigilda D. Gallardo

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 6 - June

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Abstract : This study investigates the relationship between Peer Relationship and Social Skills Development among Grade 6 teachers, aiming to shed light on the dynamics that shape educators' social competencies. Utilizing a descriptive correlational research design with a survey method, data was collected from 100 Grade 6 teachers through a self-reported questionnaire. The reveal a commendable level of peer relationships among teachers, emphasizing a positive professional atmosphere conducive to collaboration and supportive interactions. Moreover, teachers exhibit a high level of social skills development, showcasing proficiency in communication, collaboration, and empathy. The result also emphasized a significant positive relationship between Peer Relationship and Social Skills Development, emphasizing the crucial role of positive peer interactions in shaping educators' social competencies. Furthermore, specific indicators of Peer Relationship that significantly influence Social Skills Development were identified, providing insights for fostering a supportive educational environment. The study suggests leverage these findings for professional development initiatives, collaborative school cultures, individual teacher growth, enhanced learning atmospheres, and as a foundation for future research endeavors. This study contributes valuable insights emphasizing the importance of positive peer relationships in shaping teachers' social competencies and, consequently, the overall educational experience.

Keywords : Peer Relationship, Social Skills Development, Grade 6 Teachers, Educational Environment, Professional Collaboration, Teacher Development.

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This study investigates the relationship between Peer Relationship and Social Skills Development among Grade 6 teachers, aiming to shed light on the dynamics that shape educators' social competencies. Utilizing a descriptive correlational research design with a survey method, data was collected from 100 Grade 6 teachers through a self-reported questionnaire. The reveal a commendable level of peer relationships among teachers, emphasizing a positive professional atmosphere conducive to collaboration and supportive interactions. Moreover, teachers exhibit a high level of social skills development, showcasing proficiency in communication, collaboration, and empathy. The result also emphasized a significant positive relationship between Peer Relationship and Social Skills Development, emphasizing the crucial role of positive peer interactions in shaping educators' social competencies. Furthermore, specific indicators of Peer Relationship that significantly influence Social Skills Development were identified, providing insights for fostering a supportive educational environment. The study suggests leverage these findings for professional development initiatives, collaborative school cultures, individual teacher growth, enhanced learning atmospheres, and as a foundation for future research endeavors. This study contributes valuable insights emphasizing the importance of positive peer relationships in shaping teachers' social competencies and, consequently, the overall educational experience.

Keywords : Peer Relationship, Social Skills Development, Grade 6 Teachers, Educational Environment, Professional Collaboration, Teacher Development.

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