Perceived Cognitive Skills in Chemistry through Case-Based Learning Approach

Authors : Abigail Beth T. Belita; Kieth John D. Galarosa; Shenaemhe S. Mabascog; Gladys S. Escarlos

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December

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Abstract : This study investigated the effects of case- based learning approach to the perceived cognitive skills among Grade 9 students at two (2) selected schools in Region 10, Philippines. Specifically, it aimed to assess students’ level of perceived cognitive skills in terms of: processing speed; working memory; logic and reasoning; long term memory; and comprehension; and ascertain significant difference on students perceived cognitive skills. The study utilized a quasi-experimental research design to assess the effectiveness of the case-based learning approach on students perceived cognitive skills in Chemistry. The Gibson Cognitive Skill test questionnaire with Cronbach alpha of 0.87 was used to measure the perceived level of cognitive skills. It was found that the students from school A under CBL had a high perceived cognitive skill while students exposed to non-CBL had moderate perceived skills. For School B, students had high perceived cognitive skills in science for both CBL and non-CBL group. However, there was no significant difference on students perceived cognitive skill from School A and B.

Keywords : Perceived Cognitive Skills And Case-Based Learning.

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This study investigated the effects of case- based learning approach to the perceived cognitive skills among Grade 9 students at two (2) selected schools in Region 10, Philippines. Specifically, it aimed to assess students’ level of perceived cognitive skills in terms of: processing speed; working memory; logic and reasoning; long term memory; and comprehension; and ascertain significant difference on students perceived cognitive skills. The study utilized a quasi-experimental research design to assess the effectiveness of the case-based learning approach on students perceived cognitive skills in Chemistry. The Gibson Cognitive Skill test questionnaire with Cronbach alpha of 0.87 was used to measure the perceived level of cognitive skills. It was found that the students from school A under CBL had a high perceived cognitive skill while students exposed to non-CBL had moderate perceived skills. For School B, students had high perceived cognitive skills in science for both CBL and non-CBL group. However, there was no significant difference on students perceived cognitive skill from School A and B.

Keywords : Perceived Cognitive Skills And Case-Based Learning.

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