Perception of Victim Blaming: Basis for Community Education

Authors : Willmer R. Pizarra; Christy Liane R. Niem; Kristelle Ann R. Torres

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December

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Abstract : The main objective of this study was to determine the perception of victim blaming in terms of societal and socio-cultural factors, as a basis for community education. The respondents of the study were three hundred seventy-nine (379) constituents of one barangay in component city in the Philippines. The descriptive-correlational method of research was employed and the researcher-constructed questionnaire as data gathering tool. A significant relationship in the assessments of the respondents when grouped according to their profile variables were tested. A community education was proposed to enlighten the community about victim blaming. In line with the findings and the conclusion of the study, the following recommendations were offered: The Sangguniang Barangay may conduct seminars to provide safety awareness guidelines to prevent victimization in their community. Seminar on the basic self-defense technique may be considered to enlighten the community about what they do to prevent victimization. The Sangguniang Barangay may coordinate with Sangguniang Kabataan may ask for help on raising awareness through social Media Platform to enlighten the community of what possible social cause of victimization. The Sangguniang Barangay and Kabataan may coordinate and create partnership with the College of Criminal Justice Education for future activities like educational seminars about awareness on victim blaming and prevention of crime victimization. The Sangguniang Barangay may ask help from the Philippine National Police to discuss what possible opportunities in the victim lifestyle that provoke criminals to commit crimes against them. The future researchers are encouraged to conduct similar studies with wider scope and exploring other variables not included in this present endeavor. Also, there must be well representation from the people of the community.

Keywords : Community Education, Societal, Sociocultural, Victim Blaming, Victimization.

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The main objective of this study was to determine the perception of victim blaming in terms of societal and socio-cultural factors, as a basis for community education. The respondents of the study were three hundred seventy-nine (379) constituents of one barangay in component city in the Philippines. The descriptive-correlational method of research was employed and the researcher-constructed questionnaire as data gathering tool. A significant relationship in the assessments of the respondents when grouped according to their profile variables were tested. A community education was proposed to enlighten the community about victim blaming. In line with the findings and the conclusion of the study, the following recommendations were offered: The Sangguniang Barangay may conduct seminars to provide safety awareness guidelines to prevent victimization in their community. Seminar on the basic self-defense technique may be considered to enlighten the community about what they do to prevent victimization. The Sangguniang Barangay may coordinate with Sangguniang Kabataan may ask for help on raising awareness through social Media Platform to enlighten the community of what possible social cause of victimization. The Sangguniang Barangay and Kabataan may coordinate and create partnership with the College of Criminal Justice Education for future activities like educational seminars about awareness on victim blaming and prevention of crime victimization. The Sangguniang Barangay may ask help from the Philippine National Police to discuss what possible opportunities in the victim lifestyle that provoke criminals to commit crimes against them. The future researchers are encouraged to conduct similar studies with wider scope and exploring other variables not included in this present endeavor. Also, there must be well representation from the people of the community.

Keywords : Community Education, Societal, Sociocultural, Victim Blaming, Victimization.

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