Performance Analysis of Tree Cluster Based Data Gathering for WSNs

Authors : Ms. Kavita R. Kakde, Prof.Mahesh Kadam

Volume/Issue : Volume 2 - 2017, Issue 5 - May

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Abstract : Wireless sensor network (WSNs) contain many sensor devices which send their data to the base station for processing is called direct delivery. This cause to heavy traffic in network so this decreases the lifetime of the network. Wireless sensor networks have been widely applied in various industrial applications, which involve collecting a massive amount of heterogeneous sensory data. However, number of data gathering strategies for WSNs cannot avoid the hotspot problem in local or whole deployment area. network connectivity affected by the hotspot problem and decreases the network lifetime.WSN suffers from many hurdles such as small memory, low computational capability, and limited energy resources so, data gathering technique is introduced to improve the lifetime of network. Therefore to improve performance large number of protocols are introduced. Previous researchers have used such types of the cluster-based, the chain-based and the tree-based to establish their energy efficient routing protocols. In this paper, we propose an improved version namely a tree cluster data gathering technique which uses both cluster and tree based protocols. The simulation and comparison with other techniques shows that our TCDGT can significantly balance the load of the whole network, reduce the energy consumption, alleviate the hotspot problem and prolong the network lifetime.

Keywords : WSNs, sensor data collection, Energy Efficient, data gathering, Clustering, Cluster Head Selection

Wireless sensor network (WSNs) contain many sensor devices which send their data to the base station for processing is called direct delivery. This cause to heavy traffic in network so this decreases the lifetime of the network. Wireless sensor networks have been widely applied in various industrial applications, which involve collecting a massive amount of heterogeneous sensory data. However, number of data gathering strategies for WSNs cannot avoid the hotspot problem in local or whole deployment area. network connectivity affected by the hotspot problem and decreases the network lifetime.WSN suffers from many hurdles such as small memory, low computational capability, and limited energy resources so, data gathering technique is introduced to improve the lifetime of network. Therefore to improve performance large number of protocols are introduced. Previous researchers have used such types of the cluster-based, the chain-based and the tree-based to establish their energy efficient routing protocols. In this paper, we propose an improved version namely a tree cluster data gathering technique which uses both cluster and tree based protocols. The simulation and comparison with other techniques shows that our TCDGT can significantly balance the load of the whole network, reduce the energy consumption, alleviate the hotspot problem and prolong the network lifetime.

Keywords : WSNs, sensor data collection, Energy Efficient, data gathering, Clustering, Cluster Head Selection

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