Performance and Emission Analysis of Jatropha BioDiesel Blends with Diesel Oil Using Single Cylinder Diesel Engine

Authors : Akshay R Kage, Keerthi N, Nayana G Avinasha P.S, Chandrahas M, Pampapathi Gaddi

Volume/Issue : Volume 2 - 2017, Issue 5 - May

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Abstract : Now a day’s world is facing fuel problems due to increasing in automobiles, power plant and industries, increasing of these automobiles, power plant produce more emission like CO, HC and NOX. This situation leads to seek an alternative fuel for diesel engine .biodiesel is found as an alternative fuel for diesel engine .The ester of vegetable oil and animal fat are known as bio diesel .This paper investigates the prospect of making bio diesel from jatropha oil. Jatropha curcas is renewable and non edible plant. Jatropha is wildly grown in drought areas of the country on degraded soils having less fertility and moisture content. Jatropha bio diesel is an oxygenated fuel; it has more oxygen and can be used diesel engine without any modification. In present work studied the emission characteristics of jatropha biodiesel the blends of jatropha methyl ester and diesel in the proportion B10, B20, B60, B80 and B100 are prepared analysed and their performance and emissions characteristics compared with the performance and emission characteristics of diesel. And obtained the emissions like CO, HC, NOX and CO2.The results are compared with pure diesel.

Keywords : biodiesel, jatropha curcas, diesel, non edible oil.

Now a day’s world is facing fuel problems due to increasing in automobiles, power plant and industries, increasing of these automobiles, power plant produce more emission like CO, HC and NOX. This situation leads to seek an alternative fuel for diesel engine .biodiesel is found as an alternative fuel for diesel engine .The ester of vegetable oil and animal fat are known as bio diesel .This paper investigates the prospect of making bio diesel from jatropha oil. Jatropha curcas is renewable and non edible plant. Jatropha is wildly grown in drought areas of the country on degraded soils having less fertility and moisture content. Jatropha bio diesel is an oxygenated fuel; it has more oxygen and can be used diesel engine without any modification. In present work studied the emission characteristics of jatropha biodiesel the blends of jatropha methyl ester and diesel in the proportion B10, B20, B60, B80 and B100 are prepared analysed and their performance and emissions characteristics compared with the performance and emission characteristics of diesel. And obtained the emissions like CO, HC, NOX and CO2.The results are compared with pure diesel.

Keywords : biodiesel, jatropha curcas, diesel, non edible oil.

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