Performance and Job Satisfaction: Empirical Study on Transformational Leadership, Organizational Commitment, and Employee Motivationin Jember

Authors : Sudarsih; Supriyadi

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 4 - April

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Abstract : The aims of study were to determine transformational leadership on job satisfaction; organizational commitment to job satisfaction; motivation and job satisfaction; transformational leadership on performance; organizational commitment to employee performance; motivation on employee performance and job satisfaction on employee performance. This study uses explanatory research with path analysis. The number of respondents were 45 employees.

Keywords : transformational leadership, organizational commitment, motivation, job satisfaction and employee performance.

The aims of study were to determine transformational leadership on job satisfaction; organizational commitment to job satisfaction; motivation and job satisfaction; transformational leadership on performance; organizational commitment to employee performance; motivation on employee performance and job satisfaction on employee performance. This study uses explanatory research with path analysis. The number of respondents were 45 employees.

Keywords : transformational leadership, organizational commitment, motivation, job satisfaction and employee performance.

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