Authors :
Dulal Chakraborty; Dr. Jugal Krishna Das; Dr. Md. Imdadul Islam
Volume/Issue :
Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 6 - June
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Abstract :
Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is a
combination of multi-hop wireless mobile nodes that
communicate with each other without fixed infrastructure.
Due to the mobility of nature, the nodes can move freely in
multiple directions. For any Mobile Ad Hoc Network, a
routing protocol is an essential factor. Creating a correct
and efficient route between a source node and a destination
node is the main goal of any routing protocol. Several
routing protocols exist in MANET. An efficient protocol
will make MANETs reliable. In this research we have
evaluated Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV)
routing protocol. We have used FTP traffic over the
network designed. NS2 simulator is used to model and
simulate the result. We have examined delay, network
load, packet delivery ratio (PDR), route discovery time,
packet dropped and throughput of the network as
performance metrics.
Keywords :
MANET, AODV, Delay, PDR, Network Load, Throughput.
Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is a
combination of multi-hop wireless mobile nodes that
communicate with each other without fixed infrastructure.
Due to the mobility of nature, the nodes can move freely in
multiple directions. For any Mobile Ad Hoc Network, a
routing protocol is an essential factor. Creating a correct
and efficient route between a source node and a destination
node is the main goal of any routing protocol. Several
routing protocols exist in MANET. An efficient protocol
will make MANETs reliable. In this research we have
evaluated Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV)
routing protocol. We have used FTP traffic over the
network designed. NS2 simulator is used to model and
simulate the result. We have examined delay, network
load, packet delivery ratio (PDR), route discovery time,
packet dropped and throughput of the network as
performance metrics.
Keywords :
MANET, AODV, Delay, PDR, Network Load, Throughput.