Performance Monitoring and Evaluation of the Programs

Authors : Regina B. Dumdumaya; Cleopas Bette R. Jacutin

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 4 - April

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Abstract : The study was conducted to examine the performance monitoring evaluation of the programs in terms of strategic, core and support functions and identify the challenges encountered in achieving the functions. The study employed a mixed-methods research design. The Department Performance Commitment Review (DPCR) of the academic units from the academic year 2018-2020 served as the secondary data to answer the objectives of the study. An interview was conducted among the participants regarding the challenges met by the programs in achieving the different functions. Document analysis was also used to carefully review and analyze the performance of the programs, and to assess whether the major final output targets of the 3 functions were met. Findings revealed that the quality assurance under strategic functions were fully achieved against its target while research, extension and production resulted from partially achieved to not fully achieved. Most of the core functions were fully achieved, although 2 of the indicators were partially achieved. It further shows that the support function on streamlined process for fast delivery of services was partially achieved and there was a delay in the submission of documents and the deliverables were not done on time as well. This may be explained by the multitasking of the faculty members in the university. Moreover, the programs were consistently ranked the timeframe of document submission as the most challenging indicator in achieving the department performance commitment review where they have difficulty in meeting the deadlines. The programs resorted to generate more support both from internal and external stakeholders in order to comply the expected deliverables.

Keywords : Core Functions, Department Performance Commitment Review, Performance Monitoring Evaluation, Strategic Functions, Support Functions.

The study was conducted to examine the performance monitoring evaluation of the programs in terms of strategic, core and support functions and identify the challenges encountered in achieving the functions. The study employed a mixed-methods research design. The Department Performance Commitment Review (DPCR) of the academic units from the academic year 2018-2020 served as the secondary data to answer the objectives of the study. An interview was conducted among the participants regarding the challenges met by the programs in achieving the different functions. Document analysis was also used to carefully review and analyze the performance of the programs, and to assess whether the major final output targets of the 3 functions were met. Findings revealed that the quality assurance under strategic functions were fully achieved against its target while research, extension and production resulted from partially achieved to not fully achieved. Most of the core functions were fully achieved, although 2 of the indicators were partially achieved. It further shows that the support function on streamlined process for fast delivery of services was partially achieved and there was a delay in the submission of documents and the deliverables were not done on time as well. This may be explained by the multitasking of the faculty members in the university. Moreover, the programs were consistently ranked the timeframe of document submission as the most challenging indicator in achieving the department performance commitment review where they have difficulty in meeting the deadlines. The programs resorted to generate more support both from internal and external stakeholders in order to comply the expected deliverables.

Keywords : Core Functions, Department Performance Commitment Review, Performance Monitoring Evaluation, Strategic Functions, Support Functions.

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