Authors :
Gaya David H, Abuh Emmanuel O.
Volume/Issue :
Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 1 - January
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Thomson Reuters ResearcherID :
Abstract :
This research is aimed on the design of personal information system using federal college of forestry, Jos as a case study .This research work essentially takes an in-depth analysis of the existing system in relation to data storage, processing and management. Hence a system is designed to automate the manual system of processing staff details which include staff nominal roll, querying and promotion details. This project is designed and implemented using: Java as a programming language and NetBeans as IDE for the front end of the application and MySQL (structured Queried language) database for the backend of the application to store the data entered by the user. The research methodology which was employed for this project is Structured System Analysis and Design methodology (SSDM). The deployment and usage of this new system will help in the reduction of clerical overload, provision of timely report for managerial decision and also provide an adequate security to staff records.
Keywords :
Android, Learning, Model, Character, and Short Story.
This research is aimed on the design of personal information system using federal college of forestry, Jos as a case study .This research work essentially takes an in-depth analysis of the existing system in relation to data storage, processing and management. Hence a system is designed to automate the manual system of processing staff details which include staff nominal roll, querying and promotion details. This project is designed and implemented using: Java as a programming language and NetBeans as IDE for the front end of the application and MySQL (structured Queried language) database for the backend of the application to store the data entered by the user. The research methodology which was employed for this project is Structured System Analysis and Design methodology (SSDM). The deployment and usage of this new system will help in the reduction of clerical overload, provision of timely report for managerial decision and also provide an adequate security to staff records.
Keywords :
Android, Learning, Model, Character, and Short Story.