Plant Discovery from Leaf

Authors : Blessy Benny, Helna Jose M, Anjana Francis, Ann Rija Paul.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 4 - April

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Abstract : The human visual system has no problem in interpreting the subtle variations in colour and shading in a photograph and correctly recognize the object from its background. Suppose if a person takes a field trip, and when he or she sees a plant on the ground, that person would like to gain information about the plant. With the help of a mobile camera and a recognition program, we enable our users to get useful information of the plant’s leaf which they have taken. The sole purpose of this project is to develop a leaf recognition algorithm based on its specific characteristics. For this photograph of the leaf is taken in a mobile camera and send it to the image processing an application. After processing the image result is send back to the mobile.

Keywords : Random Forests, Preprocessing, Feature Extraction.

The human visual system has no problem in interpreting the subtle variations in colour and shading in a photograph and correctly recognize the object from its background. Suppose if a person takes a field trip, and when he or she sees a plant on the ground, that person would like to gain information about the plant. With the help of a mobile camera and a recognition program, we enable our users to get useful information of the plant’s leaf which they have taken. The sole purpose of this project is to develop a leaf recognition algorithm based on its specific characteristics. For this photograph of the leaf is taken in a mobile camera and send it to the image processing an application. After processing the image result is send back to the mobile.

Keywords : Random Forests, Preprocessing, Feature Extraction.

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