Positive Classroom Environment: Outlook of Primary School Teachers

Authors : Karen Mae L. Cago

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 5 - May

Google Scholar : https://tinyurl.com/2r627nxc

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24MAY305

Abstract : This study unfolded the outlook of elementary school teachers on positive classroom environment. The narratives were reflective of both strategies and challenges of teachers in creating positive classroom environment. There were seven (7) teacher- participants who are primary grade teachers a public school of Compostela West District, Division of Davao de Oro. The data gathering of information in this phenomenological inquiry had employed in-depth interview of participants through virtual conference and limited face-to-face subsequently observing strict compliance of standard health protocol. Using thematic analysis, the outlook of elementary school teachers on Positive Classroom Environment were as follows: Conducive classroom for learning and Positive reinforcement. On the challenges of the teachers in creating positive classroom environment the following were the themes and findings of the study: Large class- size and Lack of self-discipline. From the strategies and challenges of teachers, the following were the insights drawn from the findings of the study: Conduct classroom management training and Allocate more funds for school buildings. From the start, this study endeavored to contribute insights in the strategies of teachers in creating positive classroom environment for the students. The new knowledge drawn from this study is noteworthy for quality delivery of education in school.

Keywords : Positive, Classroom Environment, Outlook, Primary School, Teacher.

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This study unfolded the outlook of elementary school teachers on positive classroom environment. The narratives were reflective of both strategies and challenges of teachers in creating positive classroom environment. There were seven (7) teacher- participants who are primary grade teachers a public school of Compostela West District, Division of Davao de Oro. The data gathering of information in this phenomenological inquiry had employed in-depth interview of participants through virtual conference and limited face-to-face subsequently observing strict compliance of standard health protocol. Using thematic analysis, the outlook of elementary school teachers on Positive Classroom Environment were as follows: Conducive classroom for learning and Positive reinforcement. On the challenges of the teachers in creating positive classroom environment the following were the themes and findings of the study: Large class- size and Lack of self-discipline. From the strategies and challenges of teachers, the following were the insights drawn from the findings of the study: Conduct classroom management training and Allocate more funds for school buildings. From the start, this study endeavored to contribute insights in the strategies of teachers in creating positive classroom environment for the students. The new knowledge drawn from this study is noteworthy for quality delivery of education in school.

Keywords : Positive, Classroom Environment, Outlook, Primary School, Teacher.

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