Authors :
Winda Dwi Aryani ; SobarSutisna; Lasmono; Pujo Widodo; Herlina Juni Risma Saragih
Volume/Issue :
Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 2 - February
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Abstract :
- Based on the 2021 Indonesian Disaster Risk
Index (IRBI) study, all regions of Indonesia have a high
or moderate level of risk. On 1st January 2020, flood
and landslide occurred in Bogor and caused casualties,
thousands of people had to evacuate to a safer place and
even lose their house. Law of the Republic of Indonesia
Number 24 of 2007 on Disaster Management has
regulated the responsibilities of the central and local
government in disaster management, among other
things is provision and rehabilitation of housing and
settlement for disaster victims.This study uses
qualitative research methods.Documentation studies
and interviews to several informant isconducted to
collect data for this study. The conclusion of this study
shows that the focus in handling people affected by
floods and landslides in Sukajaya District, Bogor
Regency is to keep people them from disaster-prone
area. For this reason, relocation and resettlement
activities were chosen as a strategy to recover
community life after the disaster and to reduce disaster
risk in the future. The relocation of disaster-affected
community was carried out through an existing
program, namely the Special Housing Program.
Collaboration between central government and local
government is conducted in implementing this program.
Keywords :
Post Disaster Relocation; Special Housing Program;Permanent Housing.
- Based on the 2021 Indonesian Disaster Risk
Index (IRBI) study, all regions of Indonesia have a high
or moderate level of risk. On 1st January 2020, flood
and landslide occurred in Bogor and caused casualties,
thousands of people had to evacuate to a safer place and
even lose their house. Law of the Republic of Indonesia
Number 24 of 2007 on Disaster Management has
regulated the responsibilities of the central and local
government in disaster management, among other
things is provision and rehabilitation of housing and
settlement for disaster victims.This study uses
qualitative research methods.Documentation studies
and interviews to several informant isconducted to
collect data for this study. The conclusion of this study
shows that the focus in handling people affected by
floods and landslides in Sukajaya District, Bogor
Regency is to keep people them from disaster-prone
area. For this reason, relocation and resettlement
activities were chosen as a strategy to recover
community life after the disaster and to reduce disaster
risk in the future. The relocation of disaster-affected
community was carried out through an existing
program, namely the Special Housing Program.
Collaboration between central government and local
government is conducted in implementing this program.
Keywords :
Post Disaster Relocation; Special Housing Program;Permanent Housing.