Authors :
Patta Rapanna/Ansar
Volume/Issue :
Volume 2 - 2017, Issue 5 - May
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Abstract :
This type of qualitative research through penekatan Phenomenology, reduce the rate of poverty in indonesia, required a reliable and specific strategies, in addition the concept of Empowerment is good rather than by giving a number of cash once discharged continuously, but how Governments and perpetrators can upgrade the empowerment and capacity building of poor communities explore and always give his advocacy towards their problems, poverty reduction Programs will run effectively if there is a strong synergy between components of the nation include the Government , private, and community. The community must be constantly involved in the American, the preparation of, implementation and monitoring, so that hasilnyapun can be enjoyed by masayrakat itself because it is they who most know their needs. Government and private sector should give direction and support, but more important than that is the second stakeholders (Government and private) able and willing to create a business climate.
Keywords :
empowerment, poverty, NGOs, strategies, service
This type of qualitative research through penekatan Phenomenology, reduce the rate of poverty in indonesia, required a reliable and specific strategies, in addition the concept of Empowerment is good rather than by giving a number of cash once discharged continuously, but how Governments and perpetrators can upgrade the empowerment and capacity building of poor communities explore and always give his advocacy towards their problems, poverty reduction Programs will run effectively if there is a strong synergy between components of the nation include the Government , private, and community. The community must be constantly involved in the American, the preparation of, implementation and monitoring, so that hasilnyapun can be enjoyed by masayrakat itself because it is they who most know their needs. Government and private sector should give direction and support, but more important than that is the second stakeholders (Government and private) able and willing to create a business climate.
Keywords :
empowerment, poverty, NGOs, strategies, service