Authors :
Nikhil Sanjay Suryawanshi
Volume/Issue :
Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 3 - March
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Abstract :
This paper proposes a machine learning-
based system designed to predict mental health outcomes
using wearable device data. The system is conceptualized
to process physiological and behavioral data such as
heart rate, sleep patterns, and activity levels collected
from wearable technology. Key stages of the system
include data preprocessing, feature extraction, and
model training using multiple machine-learning
algorithms, including Random Forest, Support Vector
Machine, XGBoost, and Logistic Regression. These
models are combined using a voting-based ensemble
classifier to improve prediction accuracy. While the
system has not yet been implemented, expected results
suggest that this approach will enhance prediction
reliability and offer real-time insights into mental health
conditions. The proposed system is envisioned to
facilitate early detection of mental health disorders,
thereby aiding in timely interventions and personalized
Keywords :
Wearable Devices, Mental Health Prediction, Machine Learning, Ensemble Learning, Random Forest, Support Vector Machine (SVM), XGBoost, Logistic Regression, Voting Classifier, Physiological Data, Behavioral Data, Feature Extraction, Mental Health Monitoring, Predictive Analytics, Health Technology.
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This paper proposes a machine learning-
based system designed to predict mental health outcomes
using wearable device data. The system is conceptualized
to process physiological and behavioral data such as
heart rate, sleep patterns, and activity levels collected
from wearable technology. Key stages of the system
include data preprocessing, feature extraction, and
model training using multiple machine-learning
algorithms, including Random Forest, Support Vector
Machine, XGBoost, and Logistic Regression. These
models are combined using a voting-based ensemble
classifier to improve prediction accuracy. While the
system has not yet been implemented, expected results
suggest that this approach will enhance prediction
reliability and offer real-time insights into mental health
conditions. The proposed system is envisioned to
facilitate early detection of mental health disorders,
thereby aiding in timely interventions and personalized
Keywords :
Wearable Devices, Mental Health Prediction, Machine Learning, Ensemble Learning, Random Forest, Support Vector Machine (SVM), XGBoost, Logistic Regression, Voting Classifier, Physiological Data, Behavioral Data, Feature Extraction, Mental Health Monitoring, Predictive Analytics, Health Technology.