Prediction of Inventory Quantity of Cement Products Using Monte Carlo Method

Authors : Aidawayati Rangkuti; Very Millyawan Nugraha; Muh. Nur

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 5 - May

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Abstract : Inventory is an important element in company operations with consistent inventory. The method used to control inventory in this study is the Monte Carlo method. This method is a simulation method that can be used as a prediction method to determine future events. The purpose of this study is to determine the optimum accuracy of Tonasa Cement inventory at PT Jaya Mas Utama Makassar with data from 2020-2022. The results show that using the Monte Carlo method is optimal in helping the company PT Jaya Mas Utama Makassar.

Keywords : Inventory, Monte Carlo Method.

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Inventory is an important element in company operations with consistent inventory. The method used to control inventory in this study is the Monte Carlo method. This method is a simulation method that can be used as a prediction method to determine future events. The purpose of this study is to determine the optimum accuracy of Tonasa Cement inventory at PT Jaya Mas Utama Makassar with data from 2020-2022. The results show that using the Monte Carlo method is optimal in helping the company PT Jaya Mas Utama Makassar.

Keywords : Inventory, Monte Carlo Method.

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