Prevalence of Neck Pain and Neck Disability in Secondary School Teachers While Taking Online Classes

Authors : Kajal Chauhan; Dr. Shweta Panchpute

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 8 - August

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Abstract : Pain in the neck is a sign of structural damage to the cervical spine Neck impairment is caused by neck discomfort. Disability is defined as any limitation or inability to execute any action brought on by an impairment. Secondary school teachers have to take online classes in pandemic due which they land up in to neck pain and disability. This study will help in determining pain and disability of neck in secondary school teaching staff during online classes. Objective - To find out the prevalence of neck pain on NPRS in secondary school teaching staff during online classes in pandemic. To find out prevalence of neck disability on Neck disability index in secondary school teaching staff during online classes in pandemic. A sample of 94 was taken in cross-sectional study. Result - nprs shows that 23.4% have mild pain,31% have moderate pain,39.3% have severe pain and 6% is of worst pain. neck disability index score shows 23.4% is of mild disability of neck, 29% is of moderate disability is present, 41% is of severe disability and 6% is of complete disability in teacher who were taking classes online. Conclusion - This study concludes that teachers at secondary school have neck pain and neck disability while taking online classes.

Keywords : Neck Pain, Neck Disability, Secondary School Teacher, Online Classes.

Pain in the neck is a sign of structural damage to the cervical spine Neck impairment is caused by neck discomfort. Disability is defined as any limitation or inability to execute any action brought on by an impairment. Secondary school teachers have to take online classes in pandemic due which they land up in to neck pain and disability. This study will help in determining pain and disability of neck in secondary school teaching staff during online classes. Objective - To find out the prevalence of neck pain on NPRS in secondary school teaching staff during online classes in pandemic. To find out prevalence of neck disability on Neck disability index in secondary school teaching staff during online classes in pandemic. A sample of 94 was taken in cross-sectional study. Result - nprs shows that 23.4% have mild pain,31% have moderate pain,39.3% have severe pain and 6% is of worst pain. neck disability index score shows 23.4% is of mild disability of neck, 29% is of moderate disability is present, 41% is of severe disability and 6% is of complete disability in teacher who were taking classes online. Conclusion - This study concludes that teachers at secondary school have neck pain and neck disability while taking online classes.

Keywords : Neck Pain, Neck Disability, Secondary School Teacher, Online Classes.

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