Authors :
Subhashish Mukherjee; Babal Punia
Volume/Issue :
Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 5 - May
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Abstract :
Road accidents are a leading cause of death
and injury worldwide. While accidents can occur due to
various factors, human error is often cited as a major
contributor to road accidents. In this research paper, we
will discuss the problem of road accidents caused by
human error and explore how technology can be used to
prevent such accidents. We will also introduce an IoT
app that uses a blink eye sensor to detect sleep and
prevent accidents caused by driver fatigue. Our
proposed method aims to reduce the number of accidents
caused by human error and improve road safety.
Keywords :
Iot, Road Accidents, Sensors, Communication Devices, Driver Behaviour, Real-Time Monitoring, AntiBraking System.
Road accidents are a leading cause of death
and injury worldwide. While accidents can occur due to
various factors, human error is often cited as a major
contributor to road accidents. In this research paper, we
will discuss the problem of road accidents caused by
human error and explore how technology can be used to
prevent such accidents. We will also introduce an IoT
app that uses a blink eye sensor to detect sleep and
prevent accidents caused by driver fatigue. Our
proposed method aims to reduce the number of accidents
caused by human error and improve road safety.
Keywords :
Iot, Road Accidents, Sensors, Communication Devices, Driver Behaviour, Real-Time Monitoring, AntiBraking System.