Problems Confronting Governement Industries in A Depressed Economy in Nigeria

Authors : Dr. D.E. EBINGA

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 2 - February

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Abstract : The economic situation in Nigeria in present day leaves much to be desired. This study focused on the problems affecting government owned industries in a depressed economy in Nigeria. The study was conducted in Ezzangbo Block Industry. Five (5) research questions were formulated to guide the study and data were gathered using structured questionnaire and oral interview. The population of the study consisted of the 120workers of the industry which also formed the sample. This is because the population was too small, therefore there was no sampling technique. Data were analyzed and interpreted using mean statistics. The result of the investigations include financial constant, inadequate infrastructural facilities, neglect by the government and management styles as the major problems facing the industry. Managerial laxity; lack of incentives to workers and poor trained personnel are how managerial problems affected the study. More so, the study showed that the technical problems affecting the industry included the use of inferior spare parts, loading and off loading and break down of plants and machinery. Operational problems affecting production process includes power outage, articulated vehicle, deteriorating nature of plant and machinery and power operating skills of machines in the industry. The study lastly revealed that government agencies seldom supervise the activities of the manager recruitment and training of staff and appointment of competent managers as the extent to which government has reacted towards solving managerial problems of the industry. The researcher provision of financial assistance by the government for the industry. Supervision of activities of the industry and privatization of the industry

The economic situation in Nigeria in present day leaves much to be desired. This study focused on the problems affecting government owned industries in a depressed economy in Nigeria. The study was conducted in Ezzangbo Block Industry. Five (5) research questions were formulated to guide the study and data were gathered using structured questionnaire and oral interview. The population of the study consisted of the 120workers of the industry which also formed the sample. This is because the population was too small, therefore there was no sampling technique. Data were analyzed and interpreted using mean statistics. The result of the investigations include financial constant, inadequate infrastructural facilities, neglect by the government and management styles as the major problems facing the industry. Managerial laxity; lack of incentives to workers and poor trained personnel are how managerial problems affected the study. More so, the study showed that the technical problems affecting the industry included the use of inferior spare parts, loading and off loading and break down of plants and machinery. Operational problems affecting production process includes power outage, articulated vehicle, deteriorating nature of plant and machinery and power operating skills of machines in the industry. The study lastly revealed that government agencies seldom supervise the activities of the manager recruitment and training of staff and appointment of competent managers as the extent to which government has reacted towards solving managerial problems of the industry. The researcher provision of financial assistance by the government for the industry. Supervision of activities of the industry and privatization of the industry

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