Authors :
Lifia Citra Ramadhanti, RakayEdhiargoToyosito, Yudhi Arianda, Erry Rimawan
Volume/Issue :
Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 7 - July
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Abstract :
Market merchandise for very large bags in
Indonesia. Increase business opportunities in the
industry is very wide bag because the bag is a need for
both male - male or female. Bags qualified and
affordable prices are the main focus for the bag
manufacturing industry. In September 2018, the bag
manufacturing industry has the highest demand for a
moment the bag because it coincided with the turn of a
new school year for students. One of the factors
supporting the achievement of a high demand is good
integration between the components business
processnya. One is the relationship between the parts
procurement to inventory that should be well
integrated. The bag manufacturing industry often have
constraints on the procurement and inventory as there
is a mismatch of recording proof of purchase by part
by part accounting procurement and also there are
delays in updating and distribution of goods to other
units by inventory team. The purpose of this study is to
propose the design of soft systems methodology in
parts procurement and inventory-based ERP in the
bag manufacturing industry. By using soft systems
methodology based enterprise resource planning
(ERP) that Industrial manufakutr bag has a solution
in the form of software contained modules and
facilitate parts procurement, inventory, accounting in
completing its tasks.
Keywords :
Bag Manufacturing, Procurement Section (Procurement), Parts Inventory, Accounting Section, Soft Systems Methodology, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP).
Market merchandise for very large bags in
Indonesia. Increase business opportunities in the
industry is very wide bag because the bag is a need for
both male - male or female. Bags qualified and
affordable prices are the main focus for the bag
manufacturing industry. In September 2018, the bag
manufacturing industry has the highest demand for a
moment the bag because it coincided with the turn of a
new school year for students. One of the factors
supporting the achievement of a high demand is good
integration between the components business
processnya. One is the relationship between the parts
procurement to inventory that should be well
integrated. The bag manufacturing industry often have
constraints on the procurement and inventory as there
is a mismatch of recording proof of purchase by part
by part accounting procurement and also there are
delays in updating and distribution of goods to other
units by inventory team. The purpose of this study is to
propose the design of soft systems methodology in
parts procurement and inventory-based ERP in the
bag manufacturing industry. By using soft systems
methodology based enterprise resource planning
(ERP) that Industrial manufakutr bag has a solution
in the form of software contained modules and
facilitate parts procurement, inventory, accounting in
completing its tasks.
Keywords :
Bag Manufacturing, Procurement Section (Procurement), Parts Inventory, Accounting Section, Soft Systems Methodology, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP).