Proximate Composition, Mineral and Lipid Profile of Malaysian Artemisia Argyi

Authors : Anto Cordelia TAD, Tew CY, Ming TW

Volume/Issue : Volume 2 - 2017, Issue 9 - September

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Abstract : The present study aims to appraise the proximate composition, mineral and lipid profile of the leaves of Artemisia argyi, a local functional plant. Proximate analysis was done following the protocols stated by International Joint and Council AOAC. Vitamin C was determined using spectrophotometry, mineral content was elucidated using inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrophotometer (ICP – MS) and lipid profile was appraised using Gas Chromatography Flame Ionization Detection (GC – FID). The leaves contained 9.92 % of moisture, 6.68 % of ash, 2.66 % of fats, 2.55 % of protein, 21.09 % of fiber and 57.10 % of carbohydrate. Vitamin C was present at 7.40 ± 1.95 mg per 100 g of sample. Magnesium, Calcium and Potassium were predominantly present at 1817 ± 0.17 mg, 1590 ± 0.09 mg and 1142 ± 0.05 mg per 100 g of dry leaves respectively followed by sodium and phosphorus at 340.4 ± 0.04 mg and 309.6 ± 0.01 mg respectively. The following were the trace minerals present: aluminum, iron, manganese, copper barium lithium, nickel, cobalt, zinc and chromium. In all, six long chain fatty acids namely C6:0, C10:0, C14:0, C16:0, C18:0 and C18:1 were elucidated. The total saturated fatty acids amounted to 841.61 mg/100 g and mono unsaturated fatty acid was estimated to be159 mg /100 g. In conclusion, A. argyi leaves possess rich nutrient composition and functional properties. Hence it can be considered as a source of functional food nutraceutical.

Keywords : Artemisia Argyi, Proximate Analysis, AOAC, Vitamin C, Minerals, Fatty Acids.

The present study aims to appraise the proximate composition, mineral and lipid profile of the leaves of Artemisia argyi, a local functional plant. Proximate analysis was done following the protocols stated by International Joint and Council AOAC. Vitamin C was determined using spectrophotometry, mineral content was elucidated using inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrophotometer (ICP – MS) and lipid profile was appraised using Gas Chromatography Flame Ionization Detection (GC – FID). The leaves contained 9.92 % of moisture, 6.68 % of ash, 2.66 % of fats, 2.55 % of protein, 21.09 % of fiber and 57.10 % of carbohydrate. Vitamin C was present at 7.40 ± 1.95 mg per 100 g of sample. Magnesium, Calcium and Potassium were predominantly present at 1817 ± 0.17 mg, 1590 ± 0.09 mg and 1142 ± 0.05 mg per 100 g of dry leaves respectively followed by sodium and phosphorus at 340.4 ± 0.04 mg and 309.6 ± 0.01 mg respectively. The following were the trace minerals present: aluminum, iron, manganese, copper barium lithium, nickel, cobalt, zinc and chromium. In all, six long chain fatty acids namely C6:0, C10:0, C14:0, C16:0, C18:0 and C18:1 were elucidated. The total saturated fatty acids amounted to 841.61 mg/100 g and mono unsaturated fatty acid was estimated to be159 mg /100 g. In conclusion, A. argyi leaves possess rich nutrient composition and functional properties. Hence it can be considered as a source of functional food nutraceutical.

Keywords : Artemisia Argyi, Proximate Analysis, AOAC, Vitamin C, Minerals, Fatty Acids.

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