Public Perception of Waste Management in Karang Anyar Urban Village, Samarinda City

Authors : Nuzula Elfa Rahma; Joko Triyono; Rusli Wahyuni; Estu Pangaribowo; Wanti

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December

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Abstract : Waste management is a problem that will become more complex along with the increase in population and people's consumption behavior. An increase in population will increase the volume of waste, while consumption behavior will determine the diversity of waste types. It is necessary to take an actual approach to determine the waste management of an area to suit the character of the residents in the area. The data collection method uses a survey of respondents and group discussions to determine the initial data. Descriptive methods are used to explain qualitative data. The assessment method with the Likert scale is used for quantitative analysis. Respondents characteristics of Socio-Economic showed that the people of Karang Anyar Urban Village were mostly of productive age with an average high school education level. Respondents with adequate knowledge in categories and tending to have good knowledge showed that respondents had access to information about waste. Resonance experience in waste management in the form of transporting waste to TPS and environmental cleaning services while experience in waste utilization is the result of activities from probebaya in the form of socialization and counseling. The role of government/community leaders in waste management was stated to be quite important where respondents saw counseling by Pokmas. Waste management facilities and infrastructure in Karang Anyar Urban Village are declared inadequate with the lack of waste bins both number and type (Organic-Inorganic) and the absence of waste processing facilities such as community composting tubs, waste sorting areas, etc. The perception of the people of Karang Anyar Urban Village is categorized as very agree/know about the importance of good and appropriate waste management. Direct community participation was categorized as less participatory where there was not enough awareness for residents to want to make waste management efforts. Indirect community participation is in the category of lack of participation where the community considers that waste management activities must be carried out by the government.

Keywords : Household Waste, Community Perception, Urban Village, Waste Management.

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Waste management is a problem that will become more complex along with the increase in population and people's consumption behavior. An increase in population will increase the volume of waste, while consumption behavior will determine the diversity of waste types. It is necessary to take an actual approach to determine the waste management of an area to suit the character of the residents in the area. The data collection method uses a survey of respondents and group discussions to determine the initial data. Descriptive methods are used to explain qualitative data. The assessment method with the Likert scale is used for quantitative analysis. Respondents characteristics of Socio-Economic showed that the people of Karang Anyar Urban Village were mostly of productive age with an average high school education level. Respondents with adequate knowledge in categories and tending to have good knowledge showed that respondents had access to information about waste. Resonance experience in waste management in the form of transporting waste to TPS and environmental cleaning services while experience in waste utilization is the result of activities from probebaya in the form of socialization and counseling. The role of government/community leaders in waste management was stated to be quite important where respondents saw counseling by Pokmas. Waste management facilities and infrastructure in Karang Anyar Urban Village are declared inadequate with the lack of waste bins both number and type (Organic-Inorganic) and the absence of waste processing facilities such as community composting tubs, waste sorting areas, etc. The perception of the people of Karang Anyar Urban Village is categorized as very agree/know about the importance of good and appropriate waste management. Direct community participation was categorized as less participatory where there was not enough awareness for residents to want to make waste management efforts. Indirect community participation is in the category of lack of participation where the community considers that waste management activities must be carried out by the government.

Keywords : Household Waste, Community Perception, Urban Village, Waste Management.

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