Authors :
Dennis Sutjipto; Rina Fitriana; Indah Permata Sari
Volume/Issue :
Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 8 - August
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Abstract :
This research has the main objective to
improve the quality of the speaker net products at PT. D.
This study uses the six sigma method with DMAIC
(Define, Measure, Analyze , Improve, Control) stages and
tools such as FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects
Analysis),and FTA (Fault Tree Analysis)tables. DMAIC
consists of define, measure, analyze, improve, and
control. In the early stages of the study, the define stage
was used to identify existing defects using CTQ (Critical
to Quality) identification and the SIPOC (Supplier, Input,
Process, Ouput, Customer) table. This study uses p and c
control charts at the measure stage to get a sigma level
value of 3.57. In the analyze stage, the FMEA table is
used to obtain the two problems that have the most
impact, namely operator problems on scratch and dented
defects. At the improve stage, improvements are proposed
in the improve stage using the 5W1H table tools, where
the results of the table are problems that occur such as
ineffective operators. work and more. The proposed
implementation is making SOPs and maintenance sheets
for each machine. The results of this study obtained a
sigma level value after implementing 3.67 at the control
stage. The result of the sigma level value which has
increased by 0.1 means that the results of the
implementation used in the company have experienced an
effect even though the effect is very small but has an
impact on improving the quality of the product produced.
Keywords :
Quality Control, Six Sigma, DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze , Improve, Control), FTA (Fault Tree Analysis), FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis), Speaker net
This research has the main objective to
improve the quality of the speaker net products at PT. D.
This study uses the six sigma method with DMAIC
(Define, Measure, Analyze , Improve, Control) stages and
tools such as FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects
Analysis),and FTA (Fault Tree Analysis)tables. DMAIC
consists of define, measure, analyze, improve, and
control. In the early stages of the study, the define stage
was used to identify existing defects using CTQ (Critical
to Quality) identification and the SIPOC (Supplier, Input,
Process, Ouput, Customer) table. This study uses p and c
control charts at the measure stage to get a sigma level
value of 3.57. In the analyze stage, the FMEA table is
used to obtain the two problems that have the most
impact, namely operator problems on scratch and dented
defects. At the improve stage, improvements are proposed
in the improve stage using the 5W1H table tools, where
the results of the table are problems that occur such as
ineffective operators. work and more. The proposed
implementation is making SOPs and maintenance sheets
for each machine. The results of this study obtained a
sigma level value after implementing 3.67 at the control
stage. The result of the sigma level value which has
increased by 0.1 means that the results of the
implementation used in the company have experienced an
effect even though the effect is very small but has an
impact on improving the quality of the product produced.
Keywords :
Quality Control, Six Sigma, DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze , Improve, Control), FTA (Fault Tree Analysis), FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis), Speaker net