Quality of Responsiveness of Body Organs (Kayfiyāt Infi‘āl) with Respect to Determination of Human Temperament

Authors : Abul Faiz, Ferasat Ali

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 9 - September

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/DF9R4u

Scribd : https://bit.ly/2lE7ayt

Abstract : Mizāj is a new condition which emerges as a result of interactions between the opposite qualities, present in different elements of a matter or body, which make each and every compound different in nature i.e. its inbuilt intrinsic nature and property. Ancient Unani physician described the parameters for the determination of temperament in various manuscripts. However the most acceptable and appropriate determinants were given by Ibn Sīnā (980-1037 AD) in his famous book Al- Qānūn fi’l Ṭibb. These determents are ten in number and are applied and used universally in the assessment of temperament. Quality of responsiveness is the quality of the body being affected rapidly or slowly by the fourfold state of heat, cold, wet or dry temperament. Quickness of the body in reacting to a definite state is the predominance of that state in the body.

Keywords : Temperament, Quality of Responsiveness, Unani Medicine.

Mizāj is a new condition which emerges as a result of interactions between the opposite qualities, present in different elements of a matter or body, which make each and every compound different in nature i.e. its inbuilt intrinsic nature and property. Ancient Unani physician described the parameters for the determination of temperament in various manuscripts. However the most acceptable and appropriate determinants were given by Ibn Sīnā (980-1037 AD) in his famous book Al- Qānūn fi’l Ṭibb. These determents are ten in number and are applied and used universally in the assessment of temperament. Quality of responsiveness is the quality of the body being affected rapidly or slowly by the fourfold state of heat, cold, wet or dry temperament. Quickness of the body in reacting to a definite state is the predominance of that state in the body.

Keywords : Temperament, Quality of Responsiveness, Unani Medicine.

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