Radar Charts and Equilibrium Series to Control Ageing Defined Mathematically

Authors : Rumani Dey

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 2 - February

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/gu88

Scribd : https://bit.ly/36j5l1m

DOI : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6352245

Abstract : This paper is determined to relation between equilibrium and how the radar chart plots equilibrium. Now why equilibrium? The concept behind equilibrium is to control ageing in humans so that the span of life increases. This is a mathematical expression of how ageing would be controlled in terms of radar charts. I hope this paper serves as a first step towards decoding immortality mathematically. I do not consider this attempt of mine insane. Nothing is impossible or abstract. Would appreciate feedback on this paper and continuation of research in this topic

Keywords : sine-wave; immortality; radar charts; equilibrium.

This paper is determined to relation between equilibrium and how the radar chart plots equilibrium. Now why equilibrium? The concept behind equilibrium is to control ageing in humans so that the span of life increases. This is a mathematical expression of how ageing would be controlled in terms of radar charts. I hope this paper serves as a first step towards decoding immortality mathematically. I do not consider this attempt of mine insane. Nothing is impossible or abstract. Would appreciate feedback on this paper and continuation of research in this topic

Keywords : sine-wave; immortality; radar charts; equilibrium.

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