Range of Terrain Suitability for the Development of the Aladi Tulabolo Road Network Gorontalo Province

Authors : Dr. Anton Kaharu; Satar Saman; Mohamad Faisal Dunggio; Berni Idji

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 5 - May

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24MAY1615

Abstract : This research aims to identify, analyze and develop a road route development model based on terrain suitability to establish a new road network connecting Aladi with Tulabolo, Bone Bolango Regency in Gorontalo Province. A GIS-based spatial approach is used to describe and measure terrain suitability. Based on the characteristics of the research object, survey methods are used; based on population characteristics, stratified proportional sampling is used as the mapping unit; and based on its relationship to analysis, scoring-based quantitative and qualitative methods are used. The research results show that (1) the characteristics of the distribution of terrain suitability for the development of the road network in the research area are based on the parameters that make up terrain units such as landform units, slope, rock type and soil type, resulting in zoning with 5 (five) levels of suitability. The five levels of suitability are S1 suitability (high suitability), S2 suitability (medium suitability), N1 suitability (temporarily not suitable), and N2 suitability (permanently not eligible). (2) The distribution of terrain suitability classes for developing the dominant road network for the Aladi-Tulabolo area is in suitability class S2 (medium suitability), covering an area of 99.25 km2 . (3) The road route development model based on the suitability of the terrain in the research area is formed with the formulation Terrain Unit (SM) = f (bl, kl, jb, jt), where bl = landform, kl = slope, jb = rock type, and jt = soil type

Keywords : Distribution, Gis, Road Network Development, Terrain Suitability.

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This research aims to identify, analyze and develop a road route development model based on terrain suitability to establish a new road network connecting Aladi with Tulabolo, Bone Bolango Regency in Gorontalo Province. A GIS-based spatial approach is used to describe and measure terrain suitability. Based on the characteristics of the research object, survey methods are used; based on population characteristics, stratified proportional sampling is used as the mapping unit; and based on its relationship to analysis, scoring-based quantitative and qualitative methods are used. The research results show that (1) the characteristics of the distribution of terrain suitability for the development of the road network in the research area are based on the parameters that make up terrain units such as landform units, slope, rock type and soil type, resulting in zoning with 5 (five) levels of suitability. The five levels of suitability are S1 suitability (high suitability), S2 suitability (medium suitability), N1 suitability (temporarily not suitable), and N2 suitability (permanently not eligible). (2) The distribution of terrain suitability classes for developing the dominant road network for the Aladi-Tulabolo area is in suitability class S2 (medium suitability), covering an area of 99.25 km2 . (3) The road route development model based on the suitability of the terrain in the research area is formed with the formulation Terrain Unit (SM) = f (bl, kl, jb, jt), where bl = landform, kl = slope, jb = rock type, and jt = soil type

Keywords : Distribution, Gis, Road Network Development, Terrain Suitability.

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