Rare Case of Posterior Dislocation on Total PosteroStabilized Knee Prothesis
Authors : Ahallat ilyass; El Maqrout Amine; Achahbar Oussama; Mekkaoui jalal; Boufettal Monsef; Bassir Reda Allah; Lamrani Moulay Omar; Kharmaz Mohammed; Berrada Mohamed Saleh
Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 4 - April
Google Scholar : https://bit.ly/43uxUln
Scribd : https://bit.ly/3NaMSas
DOI : https://10.5281/zenodo.7861351
Abstract : dislocation after a total knee prothesis, is a rare and worrying complication, it is a surgical emergency that requires rapid treatment, and to know the main cause of the dislocation which can be diverse. We report the case of a patient who had a complication on stabilized postero total knee prothesis in whom the prothesis was changed by increasing the constraint.
Keywords : Total Knee Prothesis , Dislocation, PosteroStabilised ,Emergency , Constraint.
Keywords : Total Knee Prothesis , Dislocation, PosteroStabilised ,Emergency , Constraint.