Authors :
Leenel Jie P. Casinao; Mhar Steven A; Apilan; Christian Jack P. Vente; Jemboy B. Gonato; Kristal May V. Maldepeña; Jose F. Cuevas Jr.
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December
Google Scholar :
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Abstract :
This study explored the lived experiences of
individuals recovering from drug addiction, focusing on key
emotional, psychological, and social factors that contribute
to both the onset of addiction and the recovery process.
Conducted with ten former drug dependents, selected
through purposive sampling, the research utilized a
phenomenological method to provide a detailed
investigation of the subjective experiences of drug addicts
going through recovery. The study identified four key
themes: (1) Emotional and Social Experiences that Fuel
Addiction, (2) The Challenge of Accepting Addiction and
Reaching a Turning Point, (3) Recovery as a Journey of
Personal Transformation, (4) Restoring What Addiction
Took Away. Each theme highlighted the emotional
challenges and difficulties encountered in the participants'
lived experiences. The findings reveal that emotional pain,
unresolved trauma, stress, and social pressures are major
triggers for addiction, with many individuals turning to
substances as a means of coping. While addiction initially
provides temporary relief, it ultimately leads to a harmful
cycle of dependence, masking deeper issues. The study
concludes by recommending that addiction treatment
programs adopt a holistic approach addressing both the
emotional and social factors driving addiction, emphasize
early intervention and peer support, and provide
comprehensive aftercare to ensure long-term success and
sustained recovery.
Keywords :
Addiction Recovery, Coping Mechanisms, Drug Addiction, Lived Experiences, Recovery Process.
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This study explored the lived experiences of
individuals recovering from drug addiction, focusing on key
emotional, psychological, and social factors that contribute
to both the onset of addiction and the recovery process.
Conducted with ten former drug dependents, selected
through purposive sampling, the research utilized a
phenomenological method to provide a detailed
investigation of the subjective experiences of drug addicts
going through recovery. The study identified four key
themes: (1) Emotional and Social Experiences that Fuel
Addiction, (2) The Challenge of Accepting Addiction and
Reaching a Turning Point, (3) Recovery as a Journey of
Personal Transformation, (4) Restoring What Addiction
Took Away. Each theme highlighted the emotional
challenges and difficulties encountered in the participants'
lived experiences. The findings reveal that emotional pain,
unresolved trauma, stress, and social pressures are major
triggers for addiction, with many individuals turning to
substances as a means of coping. While addiction initially
provides temporary relief, it ultimately leads to a harmful
cycle of dependence, masking deeper issues. The study
concludes by recommending that addiction treatment
programs adopt a holistic approach addressing both the
emotional and social factors driving addiction, emphasize
early intervention and peer support, and provide
comprehensive aftercare to ensure long-term success and
sustained recovery.
Keywords :
Addiction Recovery, Coping Mechanisms, Drug Addiction, Lived Experiences, Recovery Process.