Reducing CIP (Cleaning in Place) Time on Spray Drier Machine with DMAIC Method

Authors : Muhammad Sonjaya; Faridah Muttabasyimah; Bangkit Dwi Rianto; Yudi Prastyo

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December

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Abstract : PT XYZ is a company engaged in manufacturing that produces Food Flavors. The main problem that occurs is the water consumption during cleaning (Product Changeover) is very high. The purpose of this study is to reduce the use of water during cleaning and reduce cleaning time, and productivity can be improved by the DMAIC method. The first step is to analyze each product characteristic and collect CIP Record data. From this data, it can be seen how long it takes for CIP. This improvement involves the Quality Team to verify the results of the CIP time reduction. As a result of the improvement, the time required for CIP from 3 hours dropped to 2 hours. As well as water consumption from 1,088 M3 to 762 M3 (Saving 366 EUR).

Keywords : Lean Six Sigma, DMAIC, Quality, Efficiency, Food Industry.

References :

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PT XYZ is a company engaged in manufacturing that produces Food Flavors. The main problem that occurs is the water consumption during cleaning (Product Changeover) is very high. The purpose of this study is to reduce the use of water during cleaning and reduce cleaning time, and productivity can be improved by the DMAIC method. The first step is to analyze each product characteristic and collect CIP Record data. From this data, it can be seen how long it takes for CIP. This improvement involves the Quality Team to verify the results of the CIP time reduction. As a result of the improvement, the time required for CIP from 3 hours dropped to 2 hours. As well as water consumption from 1,088 M3 to 762 M3 (Saving 366 EUR).

Keywords : Lean Six Sigma, DMAIC, Quality, Efficiency, Food Industry.

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