Authors :
Okie Mardanie; Endra; Sartono; Febri Ihwan; Yudi Prastyo
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December
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Abstract :
Stock-taking is generally carried out by most
large manufacturing companies to calculate the
suitability of the actual quantity of goods with the
inventory system. A mismatch in stock-taking results
between the actual quantity of goods and the data in the
inventory system will certainly be very detrimental to the
company. If the actual quantity of goods is more than the
inventory system data, there will be a buildup of goods in
the warehouse, and capital turnover will be disrupted.
Otherwise, if the actual quantity of goods is less than the
quantity in the inventory system, it will result in customer
stop lines, and the company will get a penalty for
reimbursement of stop line costs incurred to customers.
This study aims to minimize the occurrence of mismatches
between the actual quantity of goods and data in the
inventory system when stock-taking is carried out. This
research uses the Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve,
Control (DMAIC) method to determine the cause of the
mismatch between the actual quantity of goods and data
in the inventory system during stock-taking. The data
taken for this study were four months before the
improvement, and three months after the improvement.
The results of this study can reduce the mismatch between
the actual quantity of items and the data in the inventory
with an average per month from 964 pcs to 20 pcs per
Keywords :
Stock Opname, Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control.
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Stock-taking is generally carried out by most
large manufacturing companies to calculate the
suitability of the actual quantity of goods with the
inventory system. A mismatch in stock-taking results
between the actual quantity of goods and the data in the
inventory system will certainly be very detrimental to the
company. If the actual quantity of goods is more than the
inventory system data, there will be a buildup of goods in
the warehouse, and capital turnover will be disrupted.
Otherwise, if the actual quantity of goods is less than the
quantity in the inventory system, it will result in customer
stop lines, and the company will get a penalty for
reimbursement of stop line costs incurred to customers.
This study aims to minimize the occurrence of mismatches
between the actual quantity of goods and data in the
inventory system when stock-taking is carried out. This
research uses the Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve,
Control (DMAIC) method to determine the cause of the
mismatch between the actual quantity of goods and data
in the inventory system during stock-taking. The data
taken for this study were four months before the
improvement, and three months after the improvement.
The results of this study can reduce the mismatch between
the actual quantity of items and the data in the inventory
with an average per month from 964 pcs to 20 pcs per
Keywords :
Stock Opname, Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control.