Authors :
Asmeriyani, Yulihasri, Efitra .
Volume/Issue :
Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 10 - October
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Abstract :
Performance of nursing services contribute in determining the quality of hospital services, it must be accompanied by an increase in the performance of peraw at. The performances of nurses are both needed the work climate, emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence is good. Working climate within the organization will give you an idea that one’s work will produce results, if they feel fit and in accordance with the organization and its work and required. Emotional intelligence role in improving the performance and reduce fatigue nurses on the situation of the organization, a nurse who has spiritual intelligence will work calmly, peacefully, satisfied with results of his work can be completed with a predetermined procedure. Aim research to determine the relationship of the characteristics of nurses, working climate, emotional intelligence, and spiritual intelligence with the performance of nurses in the Inpatient Hospital Raden Mattaher. Research design is a cross-sectional study with a sample technique proportional simple random, a large sample of 169 responses den. Analisis data using ChiSquare and Regression logistic. The results of the study there were a significant relationship between the characteristics of nurses, working climate, emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence with the performance of nurses in the Inpatient Hospital Raden Mattaher. Variables most related to the performance of education with p-value was 0.001 OR 4.451. It is advisable for hospitals to prioritize nurse recruitment with professional education, facilitate vocational nurses continuing professional education, create reward programs for well-performing nurses, and create an environment that builds good emotional and spiritual intelligence.
Keywords :
performance, Climate Work, Emotional Intelligence, Spiritual Intelligence.
Performance of nursing services contribute in determining the quality of hospital services, it must be accompanied by an increase in the performance of peraw at. The performances of nurses are both needed the work climate, emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence is good. Working climate within the organization will give you an idea that one’s work will produce results, if they feel fit and in accordance with the organization and its work and required. Emotional intelligence role in improving the performance and reduce fatigue nurses on the situation of the organization, a nurse who has spiritual intelligence will work calmly, peacefully, satisfied with results of his work can be completed with a predetermined procedure. Aim research to determine the relationship of the characteristics of nurses, working climate, emotional intelligence, and spiritual intelligence with the performance of nurses in the Inpatient Hospital Raden Mattaher. Research design is a cross-sectional study with a sample technique proportional simple random, a large sample of 169 responses den. Analisis data using ChiSquare and Regression logistic. The results of the study there were a significant relationship between the characteristics of nurses, working climate, emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence with the performance of nurses in the Inpatient Hospital Raden Mattaher. Variables most related to the performance of education with p-value was 0.001 OR 4.451. It is advisable for hospitals to prioritize nurse recruitment with professional education, facilitate vocational nurses continuing professional education, create reward programs for well-performing nurses, and create an environment that builds good emotional and spiritual intelligence.
Keywords :
performance, Climate Work, Emotional Intelligence, Spiritual Intelligence.