Relationship between Oxygenation Index and Extubation Outcome in Neonates using Mechanical Ventilator

Authors : Siti Humairah; Guslihan Dasa Tjipta; Tiangsa Sembiring; Arlinda; Bugis Mardina Lubis; Rina Amalia C Saragih

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 7 - July

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Abstract : Mechanical ventilation is a life-saving intervention for neonates with respiratory failures. Through intubation, mechanical ventilators help patients achieving normal oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the artery and minimizing heavy breaths. However, the use of mechanical ventilation, especially on prolonged case, in neonates can cause complications. The process of weaning off mechanical ventilation, therefore, needs to be carefully carried out to minimize re-intubation. One of the clinical parameters measured prior to extubation is oxygenation index (OI), which is the measurement of oxygen exchange in the lungs representing lung dysfunction. Objective : to analisis the relationship between oxygenation index and extubation outcome in neonatus using mechanical ventilation. Material and Methods

Keywords : Oxygenation index, mechanical ventilator, neonates.

Mechanical ventilation is a life-saving intervention for neonates with respiratory failures. Through intubation, mechanical ventilators help patients achieving normal oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the artery and minimizing heavy breaths. However, the use of mechanical ventilation, especially on prolonged case, in neonates can cause complications. The process of weaning off mechanical ventilation, therefore, needs to be carefully carried out to minimize re-intubation. One of the clinical parameters measured prior to extubation is oxygenation index (OI), which is the measurement of oxygen exchange in the lungs representing lung dysfunction. Objective : to analisis the relationship between oxygenation index and extubation outcome in neonatus using mechanical ventilation. Material and Methods

Keywords : Oxygenation index, mechanical ventilator, neonates.

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