Road Transport Infrastructure and Agricultural Competitiveness: A Global Perspective

Authors : Mukonyo, A; Chibaro, M; Tsvere. M; Tukuta, M

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 2 - February

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Abstract : According to the study, a 10% reduction in transportation and waiting time costs could result in a 10% increase in agricultural production. The study also observed that locations sited near highways had a less impact of 10% productivity decrease than locations away from metropolitan highways in leading to a 0.5 percent increase in agricultural output. Tobacco production increased by 133 percent on average (from 7, 720 tonnes to 18, 060 tonnes), with significant changes beginning in the fifth year after road improvements. The price at the farm gate increased by $2.00 per tonne. Fieldwork, structured questionnaires, observation guides, and key informant interviews were used to acquire information on agricultural competitiveness and transportation infrastructure around the world. The data was presented in an SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) manner with a heavy emphasis on tables. Rural roads and transportation services must be enhanced to lower agricultural input costs, increase access to markets for agricultural output, and increase access to agricultural extension services.

Keywords : Road Transport, Transport Infrastructure; Agricultural Competitiveness, Economic Growth.

According to the study, a 10% reduction in transportation and waiting time costs could result in a 10% increase in agricultural production. The study also observed that locations sited near highways had a less impact of 10% productivity decrease than locations away from metropolitan highways in leading to a 0.5 percent increase in agricultural output. Tobacco production increased by 133 percent on average (from 7, 720 tonnes to 18, 060 tonnes), with significant changes beginning in the fifth year after road improvements. The price at the farm gate increased by $2.00 per tonne. Fieldwork, structured questionnaires, observation guides, and key informant interviews were used to acquire information on agricultural competitiveness and transportation infrastructure around the world. The data was presented in an SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) manner with a heavy emphasis on tables. Rural roads and transportation services must be enhanced to lower agricultural input costs, increase access to markets for agricultural output, and increase access to agricultural extension services.

Keywords : Road Transport, Transport Infrastructure; Agricultural Competitiveness, Economic Growth.

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