“Root Zone Technology for Campus Waste Water Treatment

Authors : R.A. Bandal, S.B. Bhagat, N.S. Bhapkar, S.A. Dhaigude, S.P. Dikekar, N. S. Valekar, Swati A. Birajdar.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 6 - June

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/DF9R4u

Scribd : https://goo.gl/Eeaibg

Thomson Reuters ResearcherID : https://goo.gl/3bkzwv

Abstract : Water quality on earth is depleted due to over increasing human development activities that over exploits and affect the quality and quantity of the water resources. The rapid urbanization has resulted in pollution of fresh water bodies due to increase generation of domestic waste, sewage, industrial waste etc. This study investigated the effectiveness and feasibility for vertical surface flow constructed Root Zone Unit which was constructed at Dattakala college canteen, swami chincholi. In present study samples of wastewater from Inlet and Outlet of Root Zone System situated at Dattakala college canteen, swami chincholi were collected. Some physico-chemical parameter namely dissolved oxygen (DO), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), pH and Alkalinity were analyzed using standard methods. The result obtained indicates that the Root Zone System works effectively and treated water can be used for recreational activities like washing clothes, fishing, swimming, irrigation etc. This RZT project should be expanded for side business such as Aquaponic and organic farming, because lot of clean water available in RZT plant. So this RZT plant clean water in aquaponic tank for fish production. Further this excreta contents water use for organic farming. The raw waste water and treated waste water were collected and tested for quality. Water quality on earth is depleted due to over increasing human development activities that over exploits and affect the quality and quantity of the water resources. The rapid urbanization has resulted in pollution of fresh water bodies due to increase generation of domestic waste, sewage, industrial waste etc. This study investigated the effectiveness and feasibility for vertical surface flow constructed Root Zone Unit which was constructed at Dattakala college canteen, swami chincholi. In present study samples of wastewater from Inlet and Outlet of Root Zone System situated at Dattakala college canteen, swami chincholi were collected. Some physico-chemical parameter namely dissolved oxygen (DO), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), pH and Alkalinity were analyzed using standard methods. The result obtained indicates that the Root Zone System works effectively and treated water can be used for recreational activities like washing clothes, fishing, swimming, irrigation etc. This RZT project should be expanded for side business such as Aquaponic and organic farming, because lot of clean water available in RZT plant. So this RZT plant clean water in aquaponic tank for fish production. Further this excreta contents water use for organic farming. The raw waste water and treated waste water were collected and tested for quality.

Water quality on earth is depleted due to over increasing human development activities that over exploits and affect the quality and quantity of the water resources. The rapid urbanization has resulted in pollution of fresh water bodies due to increase generation of domestic waste, sewage, industrial waste etc. This study investigated the effectiveness and feasibility for vertical surface flow constructed Root Zone Unit which was constructed at Dattakala college canteen, swami chincholi. In present study samples of wastewater from Inlet and Outlet of Root Zone System situated at Dattakala college canteen, swami chincholi were collected. Some physico-chemical parameter namely dissolved oxygen (DO), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), pH and Alkalinity were analyzed using standard methods. The result obtained indicates that the Root Zone System works effectively and treated water can be used for recreational activities like washing clothes, fishing, swimming, irrigation etc. This RZT project should be expanded for side business such as Aquaponic and organic farming, because lot of clean water available in RZT plant. So this RZT plant clean water in aquaponic tank for fish production. Further this excreta contents water use for organic farming. The raw waste water and treated waste water were collected and tested for quality. Water quality on earth is depleted due to over increasing human development activities that over exploits and affect the quality and quantity of the water resources. The rapid urbanization has resulted in pollution of fresh water bodies due to increase generation of domestic waste, sewage, industrial waste etc. This study investigated the effectiveness and feasibility for vertical surface flow constructed Root Zone Unit which was constructed at Dattakala college canteen, swami chincholi. In present study samples of wastewater from Inlet and Outlet of Root Zone System situated at Dattakala college canteen, swami chincholi were collected. Some physico-chemical parameter namely dissolved oxygen (DO), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), pH and Alkalinity were analyzed using standard methods. The result obtained indicates that the Root Zone System works effectively and treated water can be used for recreational activities like washing clothes, fishing, swimming, irrigation etc. This RZT project should be expanded for side business such as Aquaponic and organic farming, because lot of clean water available in RZT plant. So this RZT plant clean water in aquaponic tank for fish production. Further this excreta contents water use for organic farming. The raw waste water and treated waste water were collected and tested for quality.

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