Authors :
Viral R. Raval; Yash S. Pawar; Sohan P. Das; Kartik M. Gadagalli; Divya Pritam
Volume/Issue :
Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 8 - August
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Abstract :
Satellite Image Stitcher is a smart system
which will carry out Image stitching and 3D Texture
Mapping. In this module, overlapping areas in the photos,
resulting in photographs with accurate information.
When two images overlap, a portion of the earlier image
is duplicated in the present image. If the image cannot be
divided entirely, the degree of overlap on the boundary
images is increased until they can. The preceding
module's divided photos with overlapping regions are
patched together to create an improved overall image. We
are integrating many photographs with overlapping fields
of vision in this module to create segmented panoramas
or high-resolution photos. To achieve accurate results,
this method of image stitching needs virtually perfect
overlaps between photos and identical exposures. This
module sets up the virtual display, creates the sphere on
which the stitched image will be generated, maps the
texture images to the sphere, then exports the file as a 3D
viewable HTML file. In this procedure, a three-
dimensional (3-D) object is wrapped in a two-dimensional
(2-D) surface known as a texture map. As a result, the
surface texture of the 3-D item resembles that of a 2-D
surface.After executing all the phases, we get a 3D
Viewable HTML File, where we can view the planet 3
Satellite Image Stitcher is a smart system
which will carry out Image stitching and 3D Texture
Mapping. In this module, overlapping areas in the photos,
resulting in photographs with accurate information.
When two images overlap, a portion of the earlier image
is duplicated in the present image. If the image cannot be
divided entirely, the degree of overlap on the boundary
images is increased until they can. The preceding
module's divided photos with overlapping regions are
patched together to create an improved overall image. We
are integrating many photographs with overlapping fields
of vision in this module to create segmented panoramas
or high-resolution photos. To achieve accurate results,
this method of image stitching needs virtually perfect
overlaps between photos and identical exposures. This
module sets up the virtual display, creates the sphere on
which the stitched image will be generated, maps the
texture images to the sphere, then exports the file as a 3D
viewable HTML file. In this procedure, a three-
dimensional (3-D) object is wrapped in a two-dimensional
(2-D) surface known as a texture map. As a result, the
surface texture of the 3-D item resembles that of a 2-D
surface.After executing all the phases, we get a 3D
Viewable HTML File, where we can view the planet 3