Seismic and Wind Analysis of Different Lateral Load Resisting Systems

Authors : Madhav Jadiya; Vrunda Agarkar

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 6 - June

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Abstract : The rapid increase in the population andscarcity of land has increased the demand of taller buildings. Expanding the building vertically seems to be anefficient option considering all the factors. The resistance of tall buildings to wind as well as to earthquakes is the main determinant in the formulation of new structuralsystems that evolve by the continuous efforts of structural engineers to increase building height while keeping the deflection within acceptable limits and minimizing the amount of materials. As the building height increases role of lateral load (Wind and Seismic) resisting systems becomes more prominent as compared to gravity load resisting system. Basically, there are three main types of buildings: steel buildings, reinforced concrete buildings, and composite buildings. The following research paper emphasizes on different types of lateral load resisting systems and how they react to different loads acting on them. The buildings modelled are done using Etabs software. The buildings are analyzed for both static as wellas dynamic analysis. Static analysis is carried out using ESM (Equivalent Static Method) and dynamic analysis is carried out using RSM (Response Spectra Method). The modeling is done to examine the effect of different cases onseismic and wind parameters like base shear, lateral displacements, lateral drifts and stiffness for zone-IV in medium soil as specified in IS: 1893-2016.

Keywords : Beam column system, Shear wall system, combined system, Linear static method, Response Spectrum method, Storey Displacement, Sotrey drift,Storey stiffness.

The rapid increase in the population andscarcity of land has increased the demand of taller buildings. Expanding the building vertically seems to be anefficient option considering all the factors. The resistance of tall buildings to wind as well as to earthquakes is the main determinant in the formulation of new structuralsystems that evolve by the continuous efforts of structural engineers to increase building height while keeping the deflection within acceptable limits and minimizing the amount of materials. As the building height increases role of lateral load (Wind and Seismic) resisting systems becomes more prominent as compared to gravity load resisting system. Basically, there are three main types of buildings: steel buildings, reinforced concrete buildings, and composite buildings. The following research paper emphasizes on different types of lateral load resisting systems and how they react to different loads acting on them. The buildings modelled are done using Etabs software. The buildings are analyzed for both static as wellas dynamic analysis. Static analysis is carried out using ESM (Equivalent Static Method) and dynamic analysis is carried out using RSM (Response Spectra Method). The modeling is done to examine the effect of different cases onseismic and wind parameters like base shear, lateral displacements, lateral drifts and stiffness for zone-IV in medium soil as specified in IS: 1893-2016.

Keywords : Beam column system, Shear wall system, combined system, Linear static method, Response Spectrum method, Storey Displacement, Sotrey drift,Storey stiffness.

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