Simultaneous Effect of Monetary Policy on Macroeconomic Changes in IVI Countries

Authors : Ade Novalina; Rusiadi, Wahyu Indah Sari, Lia Nazliana Nasution

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 9 - September

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Abstract : The short-term goal of this study is to analyze the contribution of changes in macroeconomic instruments due to changes in monetary policy instruments with inflation expectations that can maintain economic stability, including (Exchange Rate, Money Supply, Inflation Expectations, GDP and Inflation). The specific target in this study is to find the simultaneity and Leading indicator of the effectiveness of controlling economic stability in each country of Indonesia, Vietnam, and India. The material used in this study is quantitative material with simultaneous data, secondary data sources in time series that is from the first quarter of 2000 to the first quarter of 2017. The data analysis model in this study is the Simultaneous analysis model. The results showed that there was a simultaneous effect of the exchange rate, the money supply, and inflation expectations on changes in the macroeconomic and macroeconomic stability of the IVI countries. The results showed that macroeconomic variables have a simultaneous effect on economic stability. The exchange rate, money supply, and inflation expectations have no significant effect on the macroeconomic stability of IVI countries.

Keywords : Exchange Rate, JUB, Inflation Expectations, GDP, Inflation.

The short-term goal of this study is to analyze the contribution of changes in macroeconomic instruments due to changes in monetary policy instruments with inflation expectations that can maintain economic stability, including (Exchange Rate, Money Supply, Inflation Expectations, GDP and Inflation). The specific target in this study is to find the simultaneity and Leading indicator of the effectiveness of controlling economic stability in each country of Indonesia, Vietnam, and India. The material used in this study is quantitative material with simultaneous data, secondary data sources in time series that is from the first quarter of 2000 to the first quarter of 2017. The data analysis model in this study is the Simultaneous analysis model. The results showed that there was a simultaneous effect of the exchange rate, the money supply, and inflation expectations on changes in the macroeconomic and macroeconomic stability of the IVI countries. The results showed that macroeconomic variables have a simultaneous effect on economic stability. The exchange rate, money supply, and inflation expectations have no significant effect on the macroeconomic stability of IVI countries.

Keywords : Exchange Rate, JUB, Inflation Expectations, GDP, Inflation.

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