Authors :
Reshma S, Ramya J, Swathi S, Srinidhi B M, Sindhu R N.
Volume/Issue :
Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 4 - April
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Abstract :
Farming is a backbone of India from ages. Due to the migration of people from rural to urban, there are some obstructions. Every Plants and crops have their own requirements in terms of water, Fertilizers and weather. This can be overcome through Smart Farming Techniques using IoT. This project includes various features such as protecting crop, Rain water harvesting, crop monitoring via Applications and Intruder Detection. This can be achieved by interfacing sensors and Microcontroller. This project helps farmer by control the farm field through an Application. This concept is created as a product and given to the farmer’s welfare.
Keywords :
Farming, Metal Flips, Iot, Sensors, Actuators, Android Application.
Farming is a backbone of India from ages. Due to the migration of people from rural to urban, there are some obstructions. Every Plants and crops have their own requirements in terms of water, Fertilizers and weather. This can be overcome through Smart Farming Techniques using IoT. This project includes various features such as protecting crop, Rain water harvesting, crop monitoring via Applications and Intruder Detection. This can be achieved by interfacing sensors and Microcontroller. This project helps farmer by control the farm field through an Application. This concept is created as a product and given to the farmer’s welfare.
Keywords :
Farming, Metal Flips, Iot, Sensors, Actuators, Android Application.