Smart Music Player Based on Emotion Recognition from Facial Expression

Authors : T V Rashma; Sheena.K

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 3 - March

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Abstract : The magical power of music is scientifically proven. People always like to hear the music depending on their emotional feelings. Music is considered to be a tool for stress relief. Many psychological states can be very well controlled by listening to music. . We focus on developing an emotion based music system. The image of the face is captured in a camera and the emotions are classified. The classification is done using CNN classifier. Theneural network model is trained and used to find the emotion from the image of the face captured .Depending on the mood of the user a playlist is formed in the music player implemented using PyQt5.

Keywords : Machine Learning, Image Processing Convolutional Neural Network, Haar Cascade, PyQt5.

The magical power of music is scientifically proven. People always like to hear the music depending on their emotional feelings. Music is considered to be a tool for stress relief. Many psychological states can be very well controlled by listening to music. . We focus on developing an emotion based music system. The image of the face is captured in a camera and the emotions are classified. The classification is done using CNN classifier. Theneural network model is trained and used to find the emotion from the image of the face captured .Depending on the mood of the user a playlist is formed in the music player implemented using PyQt5.

Keywords : Machine Learning, Image Processing Convolutional Neural Network, Haar Cascade, PyQt5.

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