Social Element Hindering the Learning of Mathematics in Senior Secondary Schools in Waterloo

Authors : Ackmed Chebli

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 4 - April

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Abstract : This study investigate the relationship between social vises and how it’s effective the teaching and learning of mathematics in senior secondary schools. A sample of ten mathematics teachers and sixty students were randomly selected from five senior secondary schools in Waterloo. The study aimed to answer major questions on how various social vises such as entertainment industry, mobile phones and social media networks, peer groups and friends, and family education and socio-economic status affect the teaching and learning of mathematics. The results indicated that many of the elements affecting the teaching and learning of mathematics occurred outside the classroom. The study recommended that schools establish an organized CTA body to regularly inform parents on their child's performance in mathematics and eng

Keywords : Included Social Factors, Effective Teaching and Learning, Entertainment Industry, Social Media Networks, Peer Groups, Family Education, and SocioEconomic Status

This study investigate the relationship between social vises and how it’s effective the teaching and learning of mathematics in senior secondary schools. A sample of ten mathematics teachers and sixty students were randomly selected from five senior secondary schools in Waterloo. The study aimed to answer major questions on how various social vises such as entertainment industry, mobile phones and social media networks, peer groups and friends, and family education and socio-economic status affect the teaching and learning of mathematics. The results indicated that many of the elements affecting the teaching and learning of mathematics occurred outside the classroom. The study recommended that schools establish an organized CTA body to regularly inform parents on their child's performance in mathematics and eng

Keywords : Included Social Factors, Effective Teaching and Learning, Entertainment Industry, Social Media Networks, Peer Groups, Family Education, and SocioEconomic Status

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