Soil Classification and Crop Recommendation System

Authors : Ashwin John; Denzil Davis; Athulya Merin C Tom; Dibin Davis; Jasmi Davis

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 6 - June

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Abstract : In this project we will be making a Soil Classification and Crop Recommendation System. This appplication will help the farmers to test the quality of the soil for the cultivation, so the farmers no need of going to the laboratories for testing the soil. By checking this we can find which crop can give more yield. With the help of a smartphone the farmers can test the soil by themselves. We are implementing this system by applying machine learning algorithm. The models are trained on the basis of a large dataset, so it will increase the accuracy of the model.

Keywords : Quality, Testing, Machine Leraning Algorithm

In this project we will be making a Soil Classification and Crop Recommendation System. This appplication will help the farmers to test the quality of the soil for the cultivation, so the farmers no need of going to the laboratories for testing the soil. By checking this we can find which crop can give more yield. With the help of a smartphone the farmers can test the soil by themselves. We are implementing this system by applying machine learning algorithm. The models are trained on the basis of a large dataset, so it will increase the accuracy of the model.

Keywords : Quality, Testing, Machine Leraning Algorithm

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